
本文發表於 2007 年 09 月 02 日 11:38



2001年11月14日搭乘西北航空公司飛機飛往底特律,狄卜賽夫婦與女兒麗泰在出境門口拿著de Beausset名牌等我,用簡單的英語傳遞濃烈的感情。上她們的車子,一路就開往Grosse Ile(大島),一路上就用幼稚園英語交談,相談甚歡。車子就在de Beausset家門前停下來,將行李放在客房,然後到de Beausset的書房,狄卜賽就引我到地下室,架上放一堆一堆老舊紙張,這一堆老舊紙張我稱之為狄卜賽文書(V.S. de Beausset’s Collections)。


如此開始打包,發一天半時間才完成6包。禮拜六完成打包,但郵局要興禮拜一才開門。禮拜天進城去希臘城吃希臘料理,見識汽車工業城的美麗與歷史。筆記簿記滿訪談的話語,他們家四女一男有三人在台灣出生,依美國法律是台灣人,狄卜賽也如此稱呼他們。在他們家到處看到的是1950年代台灣的影像與物品,很多是當時被驅逐的藝術品,日本佛教廟宇的神像石雕塑與石燈塔,就靜靜的房屋與底特律河之間;林家花園被剝掉的磁磚就龕在圍牆上;日本人的繪畫精品掛滿牆壁;郭雪湖、藍蔭頂等人的繪畫讓我神傷;到處是觀音山與大屯七星山與南湖大山的影像,在橫貫公路還沒有開通前台灣的景象。住在de Beausset家就如住在故宮,到處都是古物,de Beausset夫人甚至於展現韓戰時,戰俘在戰俘營用金屬片所作粗糙的工藝品。

狄卜賽文書編目公開如下,若需單一檔案下載版本(344K,MS Word格式):

V.S. de Beausset’s Collections

狄 卜 賽 文 書


符號 文件分類 發文或作業單位 作業類別 出版年代
0 書籍 Mr.de Beausset 經濟 二位數
1 印刷品 Mrs.de Beausset 工業計畫 二位數
2 公文函件 J.G. White Engineer Co. 電力
3 手稿 美援會經安會工委會 鐵路
4 日記 台灣 公路
5 剪報 經濟部 肥料
6 雜誌剪輯 行政院 礦業
7 MSA ECA 陶瓷、水泥
8 檔案 農復會 電信
9 其他 其他 紡織
a 化學工業
b 金屬工業
c 伐木
d 紙漿廠
e 糧食生產
f 造船與港灣
g 漁業
h 公共設施
i 歷史
j 玻璃
k 糖業
m 手工業
x 混合
z 其他

例1:db02i70表1970 J.G. White Engineer Co出版的公司沿革史。

例2:py82753表林炳炎收藏1953 J.G. White Engineer Co有關水泥檔案。


1. 《A Record of Taiwan’s Progress 1936-7 Edition》Kokusai Nippon Kyokai 333+147 pages寫真。

2. 《Report on Preliminary Mining Survey of Compania Minera La Fortuna S.A, Properties》The J.G. White Engineering Corporation New York, December 15,1958 57+22pages。

3. Arthur F. Raper《Rural Taiwan—Problem and Promise》JCRR July 1953, 296pages。

4. Arthur F. Raper、Han-sheng Chuan、Shao-hsing Chen《Urban and Industrial Taiwan—Crowded and Resourceful》Foreign Operations Administration Mutual Security Mission To China and National Taiwan University,September 1954,370pages。

5. Y.C. Tsui and S.G. Hsieh《Farm Income of Taiwan in 1952》(Economic Digest Series:No.4)JCRR,August 1954,181 pages。

6. 《Second Report on Cloud-Seeding Experiments Over Sun Moon Lake Area 1951-1954》Taiwan Rain Stimulation Research Institute,April 1956,22 pages。(內有人造雨研究所送Mr. de Beausset之公文)

7. 《資源委員會概況》June 1947,14+5+12頁print in USA

8. 《The Establishment of an Integrated Iron and Steel Mill》The Industrial Development Commission Economic Stabilization Board,August 1955,141 pages。

9. 《Taiwan—Ten Years of Progress》January 1956。106 pages。


11.《Taiwan Railway台灣鐵路》Taiwan Railway Administration,Oct.1956,50pages。

12.《Industry of Free China》Industrial Development Commission,Volume Seven。

13.《Progress in the Republic of China Production,Trade and Finance》Goodwill and Economic Mission of the ROC,Sep. 1964,27 pages。

14.《Retired Servicemen Engineering Agency榮工處》VACRS,1967,44 pages。

15. Mao,Yu-kang《The Economic Structural Change and the Part-Time Farming in Taiwan》Symposium on Sino-German Agricultural Economic Research,Sep. 1986,16 pages。

16.《農業生產統計提要》農委會統計室,June 1986。51 pages。

17.《China Steel》 Sep. 1982,12 pages。

18.《Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc.》1986,48 pages。

19.『The Other China Changes Course Taiwan』National Geographic, Nov. 1993,p6~33。

20.《The Tyal Room Friends of China Club》4 pages。


22.《Science-based Industrial Park》1990 Annual Report,38 pages。

23.《SINOTECH Engineering Consultants, Inc.》June 1971,13 pages。

24.《Bi-Monthly Economic Review》No.51,May-June 1956,21 pages。

25.《中國玻璃工業研究所開幕紀念》Oct. 1966,16 pages。

26.《Bank of Taiwan》1968 Annual Report,25 pages。

27.《台灣農林漁牧研究及學術機構圖》1986 一大張。

28.《Farm Land Reform in Taiwan》Council of Agriculture,Sep. 1985,34 pages。

29.《The Council of Agriculture》July 1985,77 pages。

30.《PECL》Pacific Engineers & Constructors, LTD. 24 pages。

31.《The Second-Stage Farmland Reform Program》Council of Agriculture,Jan. 1986,11 pages。

32.《CIE Newsletter中國工程師簡訊》June 1984,Oct. 1984。

33. Torng-Chuang Wu『Agricultural Development in Taiwan』Oct. 1986,17 p。

34. Yu-kang Mao毛育剛《Agricultural Development in Taiwan》Sep. 1984,30 p。

35.《1986 RET-SER Engineering Agency》124 pages。

36.《Bi-Monthly Economic Review》No.55,Jan.-Feb. 1957,19 pages。. . . . . . . . . . . . (以上第一箱)

37.《Industry of Free China》Industrial Development Commission,Volume Four。

38.《On Electric Energy Rates Taiwan Power Company》The J.G. White Engineer Corporation(V.S. de Beausset),Report No.III-80,Nov. 1954, 142 pages。

39.《Taiwan Exports》(Abridged Edition)International Trade Monthly,Dec.1956,108 pages。

40.《Economic Progress on Formosa》La Revue Francaise,Paris,1952,8 pages。

41. Jordan Homer Stover《Outline of Proposed Fertilizer Foundation—Description of Projects》Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry,National Resources Commission,Shanghai,March 1948,62 pages。

42. S.C. Wang《The Alunite and its Possible Treatment》Taiwan Aluminium Company, translated from German,28 pages。

43.《Sulfuric Acid Plant》manuscript手稿,5 pages。

44. J.H. Stover《Chinese Alunite Deposits》Shanghai,Nov. 1948,一卷宗,內有聯合國糧食農業組織發文給V.S. de Beausset函。

45.R.N. Shreve,W.I. Freel 《Comprehensive Report to Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University and International Cooperation Administration》 Purdue University,1959,164 pages。

46.《Project Proposal and Approval KASC Second Expansion Project Counterpart》

one file,1955~1956。

47.《Chemicals in the Industrial Development of Taiwan》one file,include letters of IDC,JG White,American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Purdue University,Cheng Kung University,University of Minnesota,manuscript,1957~1958。

48.《Industrial Materials in Taiwan—An Analytical Study》The Industrial Development Commission,June 1954,3+15+69 pages+2tables。

49.《Cultural Briefing for Taiwan》F.O.A. Mutual Security Mission to China,Taipei,1954,34 pages。

50.《Taiwan Exports》International Trade Monthly,Nov. 1957,194 pages。

51. Neil H. Jacoby 《An Evaluation of U.S. Economic Aid to Free China,1951-1965》 Bureau for the Far East Agency for International Development,Jan. 1966,90 pages。

52.《Power System Development—Taiwan Power Company part I Power Requirements and Generating Capability》The J.G. White Engineer Corporation(V.S. de Beausset),Report No.V-5,Jun. 1957,187 pages。

53.《General Report–II》JCRR,1952,226 pages。

54.《General Report–IV》JCRR,1954,199 pages。

55.《General Report–VI》JCRR,1956,141 pages。

56. V.S. de Beausset『Changing trade patterns as underdeveloped areas become developed』American Trade with Asia and the Far East,79~89。

57. Charles A. Brown《A Management Engineering Study of Taiwan Steel Works,MOEA》Foreign Operations Administration Mutual Security Mission to China,June 1954,95+ pages。

58. V.S. de Beausset 《Industrial Development of Taiwan(Formosa)FY1952-FY1955》The J.G. White Engineer Corporation,Nov. 1951,66 pages。

59. K.T. Li《Prospects for Taiwan’s Economic Development》A Collection of Essays from 1980-1984,Sep. 1985,204 pages。

60. Edward A. Tenenbaum《Taiwan’s Turning Point》Continental-Allied Co., INC. 1961?,152 pages。

61.《Taiwan(Formosa)》April 1956,4 pages。

62. V.S. de Beausset 《Engineering Consulting Services Performed in Taiwan》The J.G. White Engineer Corporation,May 1954,Report No. III-67,60 pages。


63. Constance de Beausset《Taipei International Women’s Club Year Book 1953-1954》19 pages。

64.《Sulfuric Acid Plant Kaohsiung Ammonium Sulfate Corporation FY 1956》The J.G. White Engineer Corporation(V.S. de Beausset),Oct. 1956,Report No. IV-35,87 pages。

65.V.S. de Beausset《Review and Outlook for Economic Development in ROC》CIECD Engineering Consulting Group,Sep. 1967,74 pages。(CIECD=Council for International Economic Cooperation and Development)

66.《The Industrial Program under the Four-Year Economic Development Plan》IDC, ESB, June 1954, 157 pages(缺5pages)。

67.《Taiwan E. W. Cross-Island Highway》Taiwan Highway Bureau,16 pages。

68.《Taiwan—Land of Opportunity》IDC, ESB, 1955,38 pages。

69.《Industrial Program Progress Report》 U.S. ICA Mutual Security Mission to China,Mar. 1957, 26 pages。

70.《Industry of Free China》Industrial Development Commission,Volume Five。

71.《The Chinese Economy in 1988 and 1989:Reforms on Hold,Economic Problems Mount》Directorate of Intelligence,EA89-10023,August 1989,20 pages。

72.《Tatung Annual Report》Tatung Engineering Company,1963,22 pages。

73. K. T. Li 《Papers on Economic Activities and Regional Cooperation with Southeast Asian Countries》June 1956,71 pages。

74.《Statistics of Import Exchange Settlements & ICA Commercial Procurements》Bank of Taiwan,January-June 1955,29 pages。

75.《Statistics of Import Exchange Settlements, ICA Commercial & Project Procurements and Imports with Self-Provided Exchange》Bank of Taiwan, 1956,55 pages。

76.《Statistics of Import Exchange》Bank of Taiwan, 1954,36 pages。

77.《Pre-project Report for Yungli Chemical Industries,Limited Ammonium Sulphate Plant Extension》Wah Chang Trading Corporation and Yungli Chemical Industries, LTD. ,March 1949,57 pages。Wah Chang Trading Corporation and Yungli Chemical Industries p8。非台灣資料。

78.《70 Years of Achievement》The J.G. White Engineer Corporation,56 pages。1960。

79. V.S. de Beausset《Diary》 1953,365days。

80. V.S. de Beausset《Diary》 1952,365days。

81. V.S. de Beausset《Diary》1950~51,54,55 not found

82. V.S. de Beausset《Diary》 1956,365days。

83. V.S. de Beausset《Diary》 1957,365days。

84. S. P. Darlington《Report to United States Department of the Interior Office of Saline Water on the Status of Processes for First Demonstration Plant Selection under Public Law 85-883》The J.G. White Engineer Corporation,Feb. 1959,62+8 pages。

85.《Economic Feasibility of a Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant,Taiwan》Andersen,Meyer Company,LTD. Ref. # C178(Chemical Construction Corporation)Nov. 18,1948. 101 pages。(104~111 equipment specifications?)

86. C. W. Ting(丁陳威)《Extraction of Alumina and Potash from Chinese Alunite by the Kalunite Process》Taiwan Fertilizer Company, LTD. Research Bulletin No. 8, Nov. 1952,38 pages。

87. Ray S. Cline《Chiang Ching-kuo Remember—The Man and his Political Legacy》 United States Global Strategy Council,1989,197 pages。

88. Board of trade《Report of the United Kingdom Trade Mission to China(Oct. to Dec. 1946)》His Majesty’s Stationery Office 1948,231 pages。

89.《Dr. Sun Yat-sen Man of the Ages》Free China Review, Oct. 1965, 56 pages。

90. W.J.F. Jenner《The Tyranny of History—-The Roots of China’s Crisis》Penguin Books, 1992,271 pages。

91.《An Introduction to the Metal Industries Development Centre=金屬工業發展中心》1963, 32 pages。

92.《Three Major Projects at Kaohsiung Harbor》Kaohsiung Harbor Bureau, Jun. 1967,22+17 pages。

93. Chen Cheng《Report on Free China》1952, 51 pages。

94. Chen Chih-ping、Chen Shih-fu《Chinese History》China Publishing Co. Jun. 1961, 51 pages。

95. George C. Ruhle《Advisory Report on National Parks and Reserves for Taiwan 1965》Special Publication No. 19, American Committee for International Wild Life Protection, 1966, 77 pages。

96.《Highlights of Ninth Medium-Term Economic Development Plan for Taiwan(1986-1989)》 Council for Economic Planning and Development Executive Yuan, Jan. 1986, 65 pages。

97.《Briefing Material—Agriculture in Taiwan》Council of Agriculture(農委會), Jul. 1986, 51 pages。

98.《Diplomatic History》Vol. 20, No. 1,Winter 1996,146 pages。

Nick Cullather『Fuel for the Good Dragon』( Taiwanese Industrial Policy) p1~25

99. 《The China Quarterly》Jan.-Mar. 1960, 115 pages。

100. 《Narrative Industrial Program Progress Report—Base Book Vol. I》United States Foreign Operations Administration Mutual Security Mission to China, Covering projects completed during FY 1951-1954, 152 pages。

101. 《Narrative Industrial Program Progress Report》United States Foreign Operations Administration Mutual Security Mission to China, Prepared by The Office of the Assistant Director for Industry,Mar. 31, 1957, 270 pages。

102. 《Report on Examination of Accounting work of Taiwan Aluminum Corporation, Taiwan Alkali Company, Kaohaiung Ammonium Sulphate Works, Taiwan Steel Works, China Texile Industries Corporation, Taiwan Agricultural Chemical Works, Bank of Taiwan, Central Trust of China》 The Accounting Inspection & Directing Group Committee A, Nov. 1954. 141 pages.

103. 《Report on Research Organization in Taiwan》Office of Assistant Director for Industry ICA, Mutual Security Mission to China, Dec. 1955. 110 pages.

104. 《Narrative Industrial Program Progress Report》 (twelfth issue)United States Foreign Operations Administration Mutual Security Mission to China, Dec. 1954. 406 pages.

105. 《Estimates of Taiwan Gross National Product and national Income》For the Period 1946-1954,ICA Mission to China, Sep. 1955. 135 pages.

106. 《A Review of the Implementation of the Four-Year Industrial Program During the Two and a Half Years Jan. 1, 1953—June 30, 1955》40 pages.

107. 《Taiwan Economic Data Book 》Part II Volume IV,ICA Mission to China, May 1956, 229 pages. For the Period 1946-1954,ICA Mission to China,

108. 《Tunghai University》package One include:

Meeting of the Board of Directors(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31)共31次委員會。

Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting(Dec.11/54,May.7/55)

Informal Meeting of the Board of Directors(Aug.21/54)

Financial report(1956),Biographical Sketch: Tsung-hen Shen沈宗瀚

Letter:Han Lih-wu to Constance ,Beauson Tseng to Constance

Report of Administrative Committee(Jan.26/55)

The Educational Program at Tunghai University—A Preliminary Report to the Directors
Manuscript 4+2 pages

109. 《Tunghai University》package Two include:A New Christian University in Free China May 16,1956 3 pages. Regulation Board of Directors of Tunghai University 3 pages. Constitution Board of Directors of Tunghai University 6 pages. Report of Special Committee 3 pages. Progress Report of Tunghai University May 7, 1955. 6 pages. The Board of Directors of Tunghai University 2 pages. The Constitution Board of Directors of Tunghai University 2 pages. The Lease Contract 1 page. 1st draft of 1st meeting 3 pages. Notes on University Extension and Community Service 3 pages. A statement on Public Relations 2 pages. 始業典禮寫真. The Aims and Purposes of Tunghai University as adopted by the Board of Directors, Nov. 10, 1953. 4 pages. Memorandum to the Trustees of the United Board of Christian’.3 pages. A Progress Report on Tunghai University Aug. 9, 1954, 29 pages. Manuscripts 4 pages. Brief Financial Report, Nov.1,1955, 2 pages. Statistics of the Enrollments of Students, 1955-1956, 1 page. New Horizons Dec. 1954, no 2.東海大學校舍總平面寫真 1. The Third College of Tunghai University 2 pages. The Constitution Board of Directors of Tunghai University 2 pages. For distribution to the Curriculum Committee, by Albert Hayes, 15 pages. 東海大學簡介(2) 8 pages, Jun. 1955. The Place of the Humanities in General Education 5 pages. The Educational Program at Tunghai University, Arthur L. Carson, Apr. 3, 1956, 14 pages. Brief Progress Report of the Budget Expenditures to Dec. 1, 1956, 2 pages. Financial Report—Jun. 30, 1956, 6 pages. Financial Report. 零星2. Letters 26 pieces. 剪報一批。

110. 《V. S. de Beausset’s History File》Contains:Mr. V. S. de Beausset—A friend of China, Jun. 6, 1950, 2 pages. V. S. de Beausset’s 50 years of membership. 土地買賣契約, Jun. 25, 1957, 6 pages. Introduction of Val de Beausset to the Wyandotte Rotary 5/91. Bryn Mawr College 1941 V. S. de Beausset 2 pages. Contract Between CUSA of the Executive Yuan and The J. G. White Engineering Corporation, Sep. 22, 1952, 6 pages. J. G. White給de Beausset的任命及待遇Jan. 26, 1953, 8 pages. Experience Record of V. S. de Beausset 1 page. V. S. de Beausset personal data 8pages(2份). 杜賣證書, 9 pages, 1957. V. S. de Beausset’s telegram 1 page. Friends of China Club, Aug. 8, 1957, 1 page and 2 membership cards. The Foreign Service of the USA. Oct. 26, 1955. Personal History Statement(V. S. de Beausset)14 pages. Who’s Who in Engineering(V. S. de Beausset)6 pages. Personnel Security Questionnaire(V. S. de Beausset)4 pages. Marriage License(V. S. de Beausset). Constance的戶籍證明3 pages. V. S. de Beausset保險單Apr. 5, 1937. V. S. de Beausset’s data(1955~58)12 pages. V. S. de Beausset’s personal data 2 pages. Department of State Foreign Service Auxiliary , Oct. 1945, 4 pages. 上述放在信封內以及1949年以前的個人書信也參雜1949年之後的資料,回美國時台灣報紙的。

111. 《V. S. de Beausset活動剪報》

112. 《印度關係卷》

113. 《Mrs. V. S. de Beausset關係卷》敦請夫人為觀光協會顧問1956。Women’s Club Meeting, Mar. 25, 1952. Report on the Taiwan Social Welfare Center, May 14, 1954. Supplement to Report, Jun. 17, 1954. Welfare Information Center, Feb. 8, 1954. Attendance May 1st. Mrs. KC Wu to Mrs. V. S. de Beausset, Mar. 25,1953.蔣介石給狄卜賽之尼克森酒會邀請函。陳誠給狄卜賽之函。陳誠給狄卜賽。工商協進會給狄卜賽刺繡及函。1953國慶閱兵。宋美齡函。蔣經國函。外交部函。

114. 《藝術卷》Taiwan Pictorial, Nov. 1956. Dr. H.G. Schenck 函。

115. 《Friends of China Club’s file》Friends of China Club Bulleten 4 copies. Typhoon 台風(Rotary Club of Taipei)2 copies. Photos 12 pieces(是The Tyal Room). 5 pages, Jun.28, 1955. The Tyal Room– Friends of China Club 2 copies. The Short Description on Lin Garden, 3 pages.

116. 《Letters from Chinese Friends and others》US Operations Mission to Korea(Moyer). Dahong Wang. Ta Tung Engineering Co. Hubert G. Schenck.(Smithsonian Institution. A Field Collector’s Manual in Natural History)CAT. University of Michigan Botanical Gardens. Apple Hill Farm. Liang Chi. Connie’s letter. Ernest N. Stanton. Fanny E. Holtzmann. 華新行. Taiwan Aluminium Corporation. Taiwan salt Works. TPC.

117. 《Letters 1949 -1957》Hui Huang. Hotel Mark Hopkins, Aug. 4, 1949, 1~46. 10 pages. 10張”很重要的家書。

118. 《V. S. de Beausset》狄卜賽的個人資料及經歷檔案(各式各樣版本)一包,離別前朋友信函5,日本財政部函,Columbia U.3, DOS 6, MAAG 1,CUSA, Go Thou Taiwan等一包,其餘非台灣關係不予整理(因非英文,看不懂)。

119. 《剪報》朋友不殺人(1957/5/25), (1957/2), Taiwan Pictorial (1956/10/10)大甲溪水庫, Taiwan Tourism(1955/11/19), Back to Nature(1946), 1950/6/6中央日報翻譯, KC Wu的聲明, Eisenhower’s Message Viewed(Formosa), 印度。

120. 《China Post:Exploring Taiwan column》Connie的稿子Exploring Taiwan 3 pages, Lion’s Head Mountain 4 pages, Bunun Country 3 pages, Duck Hunting on Formosa 5 pages, Near by, Easy and Fun 3 pages, Bunun Country 3 pages, How to go about it 6 pages, 無題(描寫南澳附近有3份) 6 pages, Into the Valley of Harapuwan 4 pages, Taiyal Village 6 pages, Young Explorere(4份)) 2 pages, A typical Tayal Village 6 pages, All the Answers 3 pages, A Trip With All the Answers 4 pages, Out for the Afternoon 3 pages, Fairy Cave 4 pages, From Tsaoshan to Peitou by Foot 3 pages, A Memorable Night 3 pages, Chippon Onsen 4 pages, Saissette Country 4 pages, Taiyal Territory 5 pages, As it could be 4 pages, The Bunun Tribe 3 pages, A Sunday Hike 3 pages, Taiyal Territory(part 4) 3 pages, Taiyal Territory(part 3) 4 pages, Taiyal Territory 3 pages, Lion’s Head Mountain (part 3) 3 pages, Lion’s Head Mountain 4 pages, 手稿3 pages,A Ghost Village 5 pages, Kwan Yin Shan 3 pages, A Trip for Armistice day 4 pages, In Babukutsu Valley 5 pages, A Bit of History on the Way to a Hidden Valley 2 pages, As it could be 4 pages, As it could be 3 pages。讀者來信1。《China Post:Exploring Taiwan column》剪報’.

121. 台灣畫刊Taiwan Pictorial(海外版1,2,4,23),The MAAGazine March 1956,Oct.22,1955 China Post。St. Louis Post(Formosa Pescadores Quemoy Matsu) 有非常寫真的影像。 The KC Wu Story 3 pages. Mrs. Nixon has Busy Day with Ladies Here. Birth(Valerie). Ernest Stantons’ Grandchild Born in Formosa. Mrs. KC Wu. E.N. Stantons are Visiting in Formosa(Mar.13 1952). Ernest Stantons.

122. 《Tech Info》Titanium Project (Wan Chang Corporation) 8 pages. The Kalunite Process 13 pages. Plastics in Perspective. Plastics on Parade. (The Petroleum Engineer Aug. 1955) TFC 5 pages. The Mechanism of Titanium Production’8 pages. Compression Distillation. Distillation of Sea Water by the Vapor-Compression Method 6 pages. What Does Maintenance Cost? Stainless Steel Piping。

123. 《》Program(Dec. 18 1951). Women’s Club Meeting(Mar. 25 1952) 5 pages. Religions in Taiwan 6 pages. Chinese Wedding 10 pages. Ike Bana 9 pages. Costume 16 pages. Coral 5 pages.

124. 《》Dec. 15 1954. Letter from Hong Kong (The New Yorker). 獅頭山勸化堂沿革,開善寺獅巖洞海會庵。 Brief History of ‘Huan Hua Tang’ Monastery. 基督教門諾會互助促進會. Our Far-Flung Correspondents It’s not Home. Chiang’s 68th Birthday. American Women in Formosa Market. Mrs. de Beausset at work.

125. 《》1951工作紀錄手稿。1950工作紀錄打字手稿。

126. 《Cocktails V.S. de Beausset Guest List 1967》《Guest List Party for Mr. & Mrs. de Beausset》

127. 《Overall Direct and Indirect Effect of U.S. Aid》by deBeausset Feb.18, 1954, 6 pages.

128. 《FY 1953 Industrial Projects》letter: Martin Wong to de Beausset

129. 《Technical Assistance Project History & Analysis Report》from USAID/C Taipei to DOS(國務院Department of State) Sep.22, 1964. 25 pages.

130. 《Report on Industrial Reparations Survey of Japan to U.S.》Overseas Consultants. Inc. Feb. 1948. p1~16.

131. 《1967年的懷特CIECD Engineering Consulting Group》

132. 《Assignment in Formosa》American Forests, Nov. 1954. 12 pages.

133. 《Itinerary for the Evaluation Team》Nov.15-18, 1956. 3 pages.

134. 《建築一個團營房工程預定進度及經費分配表》

135. 《A Brief Statement of Taipei Workshop Taiwan Railway Administration》Oct. 1956. 12 pages.

136. 《Letter》Raymond T. Moyer (DC)to de Beausset

137. 《Aid to Private Industry, Your letter MC-3797》 6 pages.

138. 《Lines of credit from BOT to public Enterprises for 1956》3 pages

139. 《Coal Requirement for years 1956 to 1960, inclusive》Apr. 26, 1956.2 pages.

140. 《HTB–Plant》台灣鹹業

141. T.C. Pan《A General Study of Financial Conditions of the Public Enterprises 1952》 39 pages.

142. Tchen Ni-Kia《The Most Economical Way of Urea Production》Mar. 1957, 33 pages.

143. FED,IDC《A First Estimation of the Source of Capital for the Implementation of the 1957-1960 Industrial Program》 Nov. 1955. 4 pages.

144. FED,IDC《Projection of the 1957-1960 Industrial Program》 Aug. 1955. 4 pages.

145. 《Comments on the ‘Projection of the 1957-1960 Industrial Program”in 57th IDC meeting》 Dec. 28, 1955. 2 pages.

146. 《Joint Trip Report—Assistance to Oversea Chinese in Their Participation of Country Economic Development Programs》May 16, 1957. 2 pages.

147. 《A Discussion of the Progress of Industrialization of Taiwan》Draft, Feb. 7, 1955. 11 pages.

148. 《Foreign Private Investment in Taiwan》 MSA Taipei to MSA Washington, Mar. 9, 1953. 19 pages. S

149. Charles H. Barber《Developing Taiwan’s Export Trade》Feb. 9, 1957, 6 pages.

150. 《Annual Report on Industrialization in Taiwan》 from Embassy Taipei to DOS DC. Apr. 13, 1956. 21 pages.

151. 《Summary of Comments from Different Sources on ‘Review of Textile Industry’》12 pages.

152. 《Preliminary Draft Industrial Program FY1953 Through FY1955》Jun 11, 1952. 23 pages.

153. 《聯合勤務總司令部籌辦自製汽車節略》 1951年3月 8 頁。

154. 《Industrial Mobilization in Formosa》May 28, 1952, 16 pages.

155. 《Outline of a Project for the Erection of an Automobile Factory by the Combined Service Forces》Jun. 27, 1952. 9 pages.

156. 《Restatement and additions to the Coal Geologist’s memorandum repport of January 16, 1957 on Taiwan Coal Reserves.》Max L. Troyer—R.Y. Grant(ADI) to V.S. de Beausset May 23, 1957. 2 pages.

157. 《Taiwan Coal Reserve Re-estimation, a CEI Sub-project》Jun 18, 1957. 8 pages.

158. Ruth Yao《Shadow Play》 Sep. 3, 1954. 2 pages.

159. Ruth Yao《Eve of the Year》 Jan. 22, 1954. 2 pages.

160. 《God of Longevity》 5 pages.

161. 《The Island of Formosa—Past and Present》48 p.摘錄。

162. 《A New Emphasis on Economic Development Abroad》 The International Development Advisory Board, Mar. 1957, 18 pages.

163. 《Report to The Present》 by The Present’s Citizen Advisers on the Mutual Security Program, Mar. 1, 1957, 36 pages.

164. Stanway Cheng《Report on Southeast Asia》 China News & Publication Service,Ltd. May 1957, 46 pages.

165. 《Introducing the Members of the Japanese Trade Mission》Oct.-Nov. 1958, 12 pages.

166. 《Address by the Honorable Heitaro Inagaki》 The Japan Trade Mission to the US, Nov. 7, 1958, 4 pages.

167. 《Time》『Formosa』Apr. 18, 1955, p20-23.

168. 《Chiang—Our Embattled Ally》 reprint from Life, Oct. 6, 1961, 8 pages.

169. 《Taiwan》『Wanta Dam Under Construction』萬大壩

170. W.P. Downey《New Construction Methods Adopted by Chinese Petroleum Corporation》 3 pages.

171. 《彰化副產加工廠籌備經過》 1956

172. 《台灣電力系統負載及容量增加曲線》1956,藍圖一大張。

173. 《DFS Projects of the 26th Arsenal, Prod. Svc., CSF》Dec. 1, 1956, 2 pages.

174. 《Taiwan》『Aborigines』Jan. 1957, 12 pages.

175. 《Brief Description of the Ta Tung Engineering Co., Ltd.》 2 pages.

176. 《Burma’s Worsening Economy》Jun. 30, 1956, p7-8.

177. 《財政經濟月刊》1956/8. Vol.6 No.9.內『依賴心理的一例』翻譯成英文(An Example of the Psychology of Dependence) Aug.15 1956, 2 pages.

178. 《Mu Shan Coal Mine》Apr. 9, 1957,

179. 《Food Production and Administration in Taiwan》The Scientific Monthly, May 1952, p253-268.

180. 《裕隆公司首批汽車出廠》 May 1957.

181. 《The Modern Petroleum Industry of Free China》

182. 《Newsweek》 Jul. 10, 1967.

183. 《Science》 『Foreign Aid and Agricultural Science』Feb. 28 1958. p457-461.

184. 《Chemical Processing》『Aid to under-Developed Countries』Jun. 1957.p233.

185. 《Congressional Record–Senate》Feb. 7. p 1550-1556.

186. Paul G. Hoffman《The New York Times Magazine》『Blueprint for Foreign Aid』Feb.17 1957.p9.『Hoffman is Cited for Brotherhood』

187. 《Life》『Communism』Oct. 20 1961.

188. 《Cotton Mills of the Taiwan Industrial and Mining Corporation》 TA 23.1, Mar. 24, 1952. 18 pages.

189. 《Cotton Textile General—Development of Cotton Spinning in 1951. Firm Plans for 1952 and Prospects for 1953》TA 23.2.1 Apr. 10 1952. 2 pages.

190. 《Cotton Textile General》TA 23.2.1 Apr. 22 1952. 3 pages.

191. 《Production of Cotton Yarn and Spindles in Operation, First Half of Calendar Year 1952》TA 23.2.1 Jul. 25 1952. 4 pages.

192. 《Cotton Textile General—Prices Paid for Commission Spinning of 20/1 Yarn》TA 23.2.1 May 1 1952. 6 pages.

193. 《》TA 23.1 Aug. 4, 1952. 3 pages.

194. 《》TA 23.1 Aug. 6, 1952. 3 pages.

195. 《》TA 23.1 Aug.14, 1952. 3 pages.

196. 《Flannel》TA 23.1 Aug.27, 1952. 2 pages.

197. 《Kahki Cloth》TA 23.1 Sep.8, 1952. 2 pages.

198. 《Report on Quality of Cotton Received in Taiwan. Purchased by Chinese Technical Mission.》TA 23.2.1 Aug.20, 1952. 12 pages.

199. 《Yarn Testing—Taiwan Provincial Government Department of Reconstruction》TA 23.2.1 Sep.9, 1952. 1 page.

200. 《Uniforms and Beddings》 MA 20. Nov. 3,1952. 14 pages.

201. 《Consumption of Cotton and Cotton Products in the First Six Months of 1952.》TA 23.2.1 Sep.23, 1952. 11 pages.

202. 《Status of Weaving and Yarn Production Facilities I Taiwan》TA 23.2.1 Nov.8, 1952. 6 pages.

203. 《Yarn Testing—Progress and Lack of Progress in Yarn Improvement and Trade Practices.》TA 23.2.1 Dec.5, 1952. 3 pages.

204. 《Price Relationship of the Raw Cotton and Cotton Yarn Generation of Sales Proceeds from the Cotton Textile Business.》TA 23.2.1 Dec.18, 1952. 6 pages.

205. 《Final Report on Machinery, Accessories and Supplies Covered by P/A 6576— FY1951 Supplemental Program—US$200000.00》 MSA 21.0.1 Dec. 30, 1952. 6 pages.

206. 《Textiles General—P/A6576—US$200000 Fy1951 for Textile Mechinery and Parts》ECA 21.0 Nov. 20, 1951. 9 pages.

207. 《Consumption of Cotton and Cotton Products 1952》TA 23.2.1 Mar.4, 1953. 7 pages.

208. 《US$ Cost of Cotton Textile Imports in 1952 Foreign Exchange Savings and Possible Foreign Exchange Savings》TA 23.2.1 Mar.21, 1953. 9 pages.

209. 《Cotton Textiles General Forecast of Spindles in Operation for 1953— Production Capacity on Two Shift, 20 Hour Operation—Stocks of Cotton Needed.》TA 23.2.1 Jan.26, 1953. 6 pages.

210. 《Protective Tariff Rate for Cotton Yarn》TA 23.2.1 Feb.2, 1953. 6 pages.

211. 《Cotton Textiles General Development of Good Weaving Capacity in Combined Spinning and Weaving Mills》TA 23.2.1 Apr.27, 1953. 30 pages.

212. 《Textile Industry General Changing Conditions in Weaving Business》TA 23.1 Apr.28, 1953. 3 pages.

213. 《Yarn Testing》TA 23.2.1 May 4, 1953. 2 pages.

214. 《Hwa Nan Cotton Mill》MSA 21.1.1 May 16, 1953, 7 pages.

215. 《Development and Use of Storage Facilities at Spinning Mills and Contract Dealing between CUSA and Cotton Spinners under the Decontrol Program》TA 1.2.3 Jun. 2, 1953, 3 pages.

216. 《Cotton Textiles General Possibility of Converting Egyptian Cotton Acquired by Sugar Barter into 30/1 Yarn for Export to Pakistan to Barter for more Cotton》TA 23.2.1 Jun. 13, 1953. 9 pages.

217. 《》MA-20 Jun. 23, 1953, 2 pages.

218. 《Cotton Quality》TA 23.2.1 Jul. 3, 1953. 4 pages.

219. 《Draft of Proposal for Procurement, Production and Delivery of Military Uniform Fabric by CTC》 Aug. 1, 1953, 3 pages.

220. 《Cotton, Raw–Procurement》TA 23.2.4 Aug. 21, 1953. 4 pages.

221. 《De-control of Cotton Spinning—Report of Developments》TA 23.2.1 Aug. 25, 1953. 5 pages.

222. 《Cotton Raw, Procurement and Stock Position》TA 23.2.4 Oct. 16, 1953. 3 pages.

223. 《Cotton, Raw, Handling and Warehousing》A 23.2.4 Dec. 10, 1953. 2 pages.

224. 《Consumption of Cotton and Cotton Textiles 1953》A 23.2.1 May. 14, 1954. 7 pages.

225. 《US$ Cost of Cotton Textile Imports in 1953 Foreign Exchange Savings and Possible Foreign Exchange Savings》A-23.2.1 May. 13, 1954. 9 pages.

226. 《Pre-project Data Submitted by Yung Shing Industrial Company—Taiwan Machine Works》MSA-28 Jan. 5, 1954, 3 pages.

227. 《A Project of Self-Reliance in Textile Machinery and its Spare Parts–Yung Shing Industrial Co.》MSA-28 Feb. 2, 1954, 2 pages.

228. 《Field Trip—Taiwan Canvas Company #93,Section 2, Roosevlt Rd., Taipei》 MSA-21.2.11 Mar. 2, 1954, 5 pages.

229. 《Field Trip—Pan Chao—New Taiwan Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing and Finishing Co.》TA-23.2.2 Apr. 2,1954, 1 page.

230. 《》TA-23.2.2 Apr. 2,1954, 3 pages.

231. 《9 Items of Medical Supplies and Equipment》MA-13.2 Apr. 19, 1954, 10 pages.

232. 《9 Items of Medical Supplies and Equipment(Bandages and Face Masks.)》MA-13.2 Apr. 21, 1954, 2 pages.

233. 《Cotton Marquisette for the Manufacture of Mosquito Nets by OQMG》MA-20 Sep. 23, 1954, 7 pages.

234. 《Military Uniform Fabric (HBT)Produced in Taiwan Costs Savings Effected》MA-20 Dec. 21, 1954, 7 pages.

235. 《Consumption of Cotton and Cotton Textiles 1954》TA-23.2.1 Feb. 14,1955, 12 pages.

236. 《US$ Cost of Cotton Textile Imports in 1954》TA-23.2.1 Feb. 26,1955, 11 pages.

237. 《Mosquito Netting–Military》MA-20 Jan.5, 1955, 8 pages. Report III-83.

238. 《Doup Heddles Equipment for Trial Production of Mosquito Netting by Dah Ching Cotton Mill》TA-23.1.6 Feb. 23,1955, 1 page.

239. 《Cotton Textiles General》TA23.2.1 Nov. 15, 1955, 4 pages.

240. 《Cotton Waste—Recovery of Useable Fibre》TA 23.2.1 May. 26, 1952, 5 pages.

241. 《》TA-23.4.1 Oct. 1, 1951,2 pages.

242. 《Ramie, Jute and Hemp–General》TA-23.4.1 Jan. 11, 1952,2 pages.

243. 《Jute and Jute Products》ECA-6 ECA-21 Mar. 15, 1952, 15 pages.

244. 《Jute Mills–General》TA 23.4.1 Jun.19, 1952, 2 pages.

245. 《Comments on Memorandum from Agricultural Improvement Division of JCRR on the Establishment of a new jute mill by a private concern》TA 23.4.1 Jute General Jun.27, 1952, 6 pages.

246. 《》TA 23.4.1 Jute General Jul.17, 1952, 4 pages.

247. 《1952 Crop—Jute—NT$ Difficulties》TA 23.4.1 Sep. 8, 1952, 4 pages.

248. 《Proposals of Adriano Gardella & F. Ltd. to revamp Feng Yuan and Tainan Jute Mills 》TA 23.4.1 May. 12, 1953, 2 pages.

249. 《Jute, Retting》TA 23.4.1 Oct.18, 1954, 2 pages.

250. 《Field Trip Report》MSA-21.3.1 TA-5.9.3 Feb. 18, 1955, 2 pages.

251. 《Final Report Kung Lien Cheng Jute Mill–Hainying》MSA-21.3.1 Feb. 23, 1955,9 pages.

252. 《Jute Mill—Program of Improvement》TA- Oct. 6, 1955, 6 pages.

253. 《Proposed Rayon Factory》TA 23.6.1 Nov. 28,1952, 4 pages.

254. 《Rayon Factory—Other Proposals Projects A,B, and C》A 23.6.1 May. 12,1953, 4 pages.

255. 《紡織卷》共132頁,內含23張寫真。可能是報告的草稿。

256. 《Keelung Outer Harbor Extension Projects基隆外港擴建工程》Jul. 1956,34p。

257. 《Port of Keelung基隆港》Jul. 1956,36p。

258. 《Union Industrial Research Institute聯合工業研究所》Dec. 1955, 40p.

259. 《China Merchants Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.招商局》24p.

260. 《General Statistics Production Equipment & Manpower of Taiwan》Sep. 1954, 26p.

261. 《高雄硫酸廠錏等寫真》8大張4/24/50.

262. 《Japanese Farming Methods for China》The Oriental Economist. Feb. 1958.

263. 《Letters》Feb. 1,1959& Mar. 10 1958 Kaohsiung Alkali Plant to de Beausset.

264. 《Taiwan Export》 May 1, 1957, 43p.

265. 《The New York Times》『Free China is Alive and Well』Oct. 1972,39p.

266. 《Vista》1965,40p.

267. 《1957/8/7送別名單》

268. 《Report on Tests for Cement, Sand & Gravels For Messrs. Anderson, Meyer & Co., Ltd.》 Jan. 26 1949, Shanghai p20-26 (不全).非台灣資料。

269. 《Bi-Monthly Economic Review》no54. Nov.-Dec. 1956 20p.

270. E.L. Grant《Various Possible Plans for Repayment of Borrowed Money》摘錄 Feb. 9, 1956 Y.S. Sun.

271. K.T. Li《Suggested Measures of Promoting Capital Formation in industrial Development》 Jun. 22, 1955, 4p.

272. 《Taiwan Forges Ahead in Economic Self-Sufficiency》 Mar. 29, 1950, 6p.

273. 《Agriculture and Industry on Island》 4 張卡片.

274. 《Dear John》 Jul. 10, 1952 1p.

275. C.H. Wang《This is Our City》 Jul. 2,1958 5p.

276. 《橫貫公路報導》May 13, 1960.

277. 《Jun/8/1981 從台灣給Val的信,China’s Modernization Odyssey》

278. 《Fortune》『Taiwan’s Strategy for Survival』 Nov. 1971, p125-194

279. 《Quarterly Narrative Report on Program Progress in the Republic Korea》 Sep. 1956, 127p.

280. 《Dear George》 Jun.2, 1958,6p.

281. 《Uniform Inventory Control System》Aug. 13, 1954, 22p.

282. 《TRA Freight Tonnage》 Feb.6, 1954, 1p.

283. 《Chen Cheng to de Beausset》Aug.6, 1958.

284. 《Letter》 Dr. Nick Cullather to de Beausset Jun.6, 1995.

285. 《Criteria Governing Screening of Applications by Government Agencies and Public Enterprises for Exchange Allocation for Imports》 Oct.12,1956, 8p.

286. 《The New Leader》(Communist China)Oct.20,1958,30p.

287. 《de Beausset’s Memorandum》Feb. 5,1958,4p.

288. 《Letter》 George M. Hamilton to de Beausset May.28, 1958.

289. 《Letter no.749》Aug. 17,1957,2p.

290. 《Rio de Janeiro》 Jul.5,1957,1p.

291. 《Lumber Production on Taiwan》1963.

292. 《More Plastics Used in Building》 Aug.26,1963. 1p.

293. 《Sugar Cane Wax》Mar. 16,1959,9p.

294. 《Materials》Jan.9,1959,17p.

295. 《Process for Extraction Sugar Cane Wax》 Mar. 16,1959,2p.

296. 《Freedom is too your Business》 Tolstoy Foundation, Inc. Dec. 1958,16p.

297. 《Letter》 Little to de Beausset Jun.11, 1957,7p.

298. 《Letter》 Nels to de Beausset May.23, 1955,3p.

299. 《Letter》 Buffington to de Beausset Jan.27, 1956,4p.

300. 《Letter》H.R.Shawk to de Beausset Jan.20, 1958.

301. 《Letter》 Kung-Yong Huang to de Beausset Jun.26, 1958.

302. 《Letter》 Phil to de Beausset May.16, 1955,3p.

303. 《Letter》 Jo Scott to de Beausset Feb.3, 1958.3p.

304. 《Letter》 to Frank Turner Jan.16, 1961.

305. 《Letter》 L.V. Jorce to de Beausset Jul.11, 1958.5p.

306. 《Universal Lithium》May 8,1959,1p.

307. 《Letter》 to de Beausset, 1959.

308. 《Business Week》『The Next Four Years』Nov.10,1956,p31-40.

309. 《Business Week》『U.S. Foreign Aid: Up for Review』Sep.22,1956,p150-54.

310. 《Life Story of Siu, Henry Morse》Oct.15,1956,7p.

311. 《U.S. Aid》Oct.19,1956,2p.

312. 《Market Survey—Chinese Products in U.S.》Jan.16,1959,4p.

313. 《Letter》 Walker to de Beausset Mar.31, 1959.4p.

314. 《Letter》 Henderson to de Beausset Aug.18, 1954,3p.

315. 《Letter》 Jon to de Beausset Jun.6, 1961.1p.

316. 《Letter》 Dove to de Beausset May.23, 1961.1p.

317. 《Letter》 to de Beausset May.8, 1961.3p

318. 《Letter》 Fred to de Beausset Jun.13, 1959.1p.

319. 《Letter》 Library of Congress to de Beausset Nov.29, 1945.1p.

320. 《Letter》 Yung-Ling Ko to de Beausset Apr.25, 1959.3p.

321. 《Letter》 Albrt to de Beausset May.7, 1958.2p.

322. 《Letter》Al Brown to de Beausset Dec.22, 1959.1p.

323. 《Letter》 W.N.Yao to de Beausset Jan.21, 1959.2p.

324. 《Letter》 Shawk to de Beausset Dec.12, 1960.1p.

325. 《Letter》Bruce Buchanan to de Beausset Feb.14, 1961.3p.

326. 《Letter》 Chun-gi Kwei to de Beausset Mar.22, 1958,2p.

327. 《Letter》Grant to de Beausset May.6, 1958.3p.

328. 《Letter》 Chun-gi Kwei to de Beausset Feb.21, 1958,2p.

329. 《Letter》 N.M. Lin & K.C. Yeh to de Beausset Dec.18, 1958,4p.

330. 《Receipt》Aug.8,1950,5p.

331. 《天利輪事件》1949/3~1957/5

332. 《Letter》 N.M. Lin to de Beausset Jan.17, 1957,2p.

333. 《Letter》 Sheets to de Beausset Oct.29, 1958,4p.

334. 《Letter》 Joe to de Beausset May.19, 1958,1p.

335. 《Newsweek》『The Ugly Cult』Aug.31, 1959,1p.

336. 《Look》『Our New Western Frontier』May 30,1967,p36-54.

337. 《The Reader’s Digest》『Let’s Stop Sending U.S. Dollars to Aid Our Enemies』Aug. 1963.p71-78.

338. 《Science》『News and Comment』Agu.2,1963,p412-414.

339. 《Letter》J.L. Brent to de Beausset Aug.19, 1958,1p.

340. 《Review of the Textile Industry: Its Present & Future》IDC, Jan.21,1957,21p.

341. 《Report on Electric and Steel Rolling Industries in Taiwan Based on an Investigation Conducted by IDC》1956,22p.

342. 《Measures to save foreign exchange》YCYen to KYYin Dec.22,1954,7p.

343. 《General Comments on the FY1955 Industrial Program》MSA-7,Jul.6,1954,10p.

344. 《Taiwan Provincial Government Revolving Fund for Private Enterprise》TOMUS D-204, Jun.15,1953,2p.

345. 《TPC》YSSun to de Beausset, CO345 Apr.14,1954,10p.

346. 《Taiwan Industrial Production for 1953》TOMUS D-177,May 14,1953,16p.

347. 《CY-1955 Appendix I,II,III》 May 27,1955,5p.

348. 《Program of the Small Industry Counterpart Loan Fund》Jun.10,1955,12p.

349. 《End-Use-Audit Report No.EA-1085》Dec.19,1955,3p.

350. 《Projection of the 1957-60 Industrial Program》Aug.,1955,8p.

351. 《End-Use Report No.E-1089》Dec.15,1955,6p.

352. 《Foreign Operations Administration Mutual Security Mission to China Weekly Activity Reports》Feb.15,1954,37p.

353. Auther F. Raper, Han-sheng Chaun, Shao-hsing Chen《Urban and Industrial Survey of Taiwan》Feb.1954,53p.

354. 《Overall Evaluation of Effect—U.S. Aid》Val to Moyer.Feb.20,1954,20p.

355. 《》Val to Martin W. MSA-3,TA-21.12.1, Feb.17,1954,5p.

356. 《Secret》J.L.Brent to Fred, MCW-1506,Oct.5,1953,2p 從此號以下置同卷宗

357. 《PIO/C 60438 Inv. US-178-A East Coast Pineapple Proj.》Dec.13,1956,3p.

358. 《Production Goal of Principal Products and Services under the Four-Year Plan》4p.

359. Yuan-li Wu(Marquette U.) to Val, Jan.22,1958,7p.

360. Yuan-li Wu《Asia’s Trade with the Soviet Bloc and its Impact on the United States》Background Paper No.5, 8p.

361. Yuan-li Wu《U.S. Trade with the Asian Countries: Synopsis》Background Paper No.1, 9p.

362. Yuan-li Wu《Asia Trade Aid American Foreign Investment and Technical Assistance Programs》Background Paper No.2, 2p.

363. Yuan-li Wu 《Economic Growth and Foreign Trade of Asia》Background Paper No.3, 2p.

364. Yuan-li Wu《Problems of Marketing Far Eastern Products in the United States with Special Reference to Japan》Background Paper No.4, 3p.

365. 《Conference on American Trade with Asia and the Far East》April 17-18, 1958.

366. 《Newsweek》『A World at Stake』Jan.20, 1958,p53-69.

367. 《Taiwan(Formosa)》Apr. 1956,4p.

368. JGW to Yuan-li Wu, Jan.16,1958. 1p.

369. Wang Hsing-fu, Lan Chien-chao《Energetic Development of the Fertizer Industry》 Oct.9,1957,No.109 p25-34.

370. Chi Chung-wei《Industry Should Support Agricultural Development》 Oct.9,1957,No.109 p35-42.

371. 《Economic Boycott Against Japan Continues》Mar. 25,1958,4p.

372. 《Val 的1957-1958收集報導》卷宗, 356-372原為同卷宗。

373. 《Study of Record Under Eiswnhower》The New York Times, Jul.22,1956,1p.

374. 《Fuel Study》 Feb.21,1957, 21p. 以下原為同卷宗。

375. 《Processing Diagram》 May 31,1955,5p.

376. 《Melamine and Dynel Plant》IDC esb, Apr.1,1954,10p.

377. 《A Proposal for the Establishment of an Acetate Staple Fiber Plant on Taiwan》Jun 20,1955,5p.

378. 《The Chemical Industry in Relation to Taiwan’s Economy》Oct.8,1954,3p.

379. Jack R. Ryan《Wide Chemistry Use is Seen for Product Long in Oversupply》Sep.20,1954,5p.

380. 《IDC esb》43-C-8357,Oct.11,1954,3p.

381. C.S. Chiang《Report on Plastics Industry in Taiwan》Sep. 1956,24p.

382. 《Memo》45-C-0627,Mar.12,1956,3p. 374-382原為同卷宗。

383. 《List of Equipment & Supplies Required by the Hainan Iron Bureau in 1950》Apr.15,1950,17p.

384. 《National Resources Commission of China》New York, Jun 1947.

385. 《Outline of the Agricultural Program of the Second Four-Year Plan for Economic Development in Taiwan (Draft)》Dec. 1956,53p.

386. T.C. Pan《Further Remarks on the Formation of Development Corporation》Oct.5, 1956,4p.

387. 《Formation of Development Corporation》Sep.14,1956,8p.

388. 《Progress of the Small Industry Counterpart Loan Fund》Nov.8,1956,7p.

389. 《Sin Tai Paper Mill—Lotung, and Shin Kuo Carton Factory–Taichung》Dec.11,1956, TA-20.1,4p.

390. 《Distribution of NT Dollar Small Industry Loan Funds According to Industry CEA 54-190, CEA 55-100》8p.

391. 《Distribution of US Dollar Small Industry Loan Funds According to Industry Pa 4272, PIO 50261, PIO 50323》7p.

392. 《Comparison of Productive Capacity, Actual Production, Employment, Power before and after the Small Industry Loan》12p.

393. 《Minister P.Y. Hsu’s Report on Foreign Exchange and Trade Operation in 1956》Mar.8,1957,16p.

394. 《Construction of 3 Cargo Ships for CMSNC》Mar.13,1957,13p.

395. 《Procurement採購—FY1950 to FY1952》16p.

396. 《Of ECA-Financed Equipment and Material where Chinese Government does Procurement》Aug.31,1951,10.

397. 《Processed Board Project》10p.

398. 《Sulfur》8p.

399. 《Explosives Manufacture》9p.

400. 《Tannin Extract Plant》9p.

401. 《Jute and Kenaf fiber Bags》4p.

402. 《Zirconium Tetrachloride》Mar.26,1956,13p.

403. 《Vita-Rich Rice Process》Sep.23,1955,10p.

404. 《Report on By-Product Coke Plant–Taiwan》Jan.9,1957,6p.

405. 《Review of ‘A Forestry Program for Taiwan’ by H.D. Cochran, E.L. Demmon & Tom Gill》6p.

406. 《Comparison of Targets of Major Industrial Production, Transportation and Communication Services with Actual Performances During 1956》Mar.9,1957,5p.

407. JGW《Completed Development of the Textile Industry in Taiwan 1951-1955》Dec.1955,110p.

408. 《Trend in US trade with Asia 1958》Sep.25,1958,32p.

409. S.L. Buffington《Cotton Textile General—Stock of Raw Cotton Needed to Supply Taiwan in 1952》TA 23.2.1,Dec.22,1951,3p.

410. 《Passage de Beausset & Family HongKong/Rio de Janeiro》May,3,1957,1p.

411. 《Letter》de Beausset to Dix, Jun.20,1957.1p.

412. 《Shipment of Chinese Junk V.S. de Beausset Personal》Dec.12,1957,1p.

413. 《Letter》Royal Inter-ocean Lines to de Beausset , Jun.28,1957.1p.

414. 《Itinerary of Fitch/de Beausset /K.T.Li》Sep.3,1957,6p.

415. 《Val Family》Aug.20,1957,11p.

416. 《The Economical and Financial Value of Exportation of 300000btons of Salt from Taiwan in the Fiscal Year 1952》3p.

417. 《Technical Analysis》3p.

418. 《News Articles 1949,1950 on Formosa your letter No. 493》Dec.27,1951,4p.

419. 《Letter》Frank L. Turner to Val, Nov.26,1951,1p.

420. 《Cross-Island Highway to have Great Value》 Nov.18,1954,1p.

421. 《Shen Ao First Unit Procurement》Dec.10,1958,28p.

422. 《Development of Chemical Industries》Nov.2,1954,2p.

423. 《Letter》KC Wu to Val May 19,1951,1p.

424. 《Val Leaving for US, Raps Red Tape》Nov.14,1952,1p.

425. 《Letter》KC Shah (總統助理)to Val, May12,1951,1p.

426. 《Letter》JL Brent to Val, Jun.11,1955,1p.

427. 《Letter》陳誠 to Val外間所傳,自不足信, Jun.24,1955,3p.

428. 《de Beausset Leaving Today After 9 Years, Great Contribution》離台剪報Aug.18,197,8p.

429. 《From a Taiwan 57-58》1957-58懷特與Val的合約Aug.5,1957,13p.

430. 《Form》懷特與Val的合約Feb.1,1951,6p.

431. 《Cause of Failure & Suggestions of Ready for the Waste Heat Boilers in Nitric Acid Plant》Jun.3,1957,14p.

432. 《Ethyl Alcohol》Apr.19,1950,4p.

433. 《1949台灣情勢》

434. 《US Information Service》Feb.10,1951,6p.

435. 《Letter》Val to Henry Tarring,Aug.15,1950,3p.

436. 《Letter》Chen Chin-po(Golf Club) to Val,Sep.12,1956,1p.

437. 《Cross-Island Highway Line Survey Completed》Nov.14,1955,3p.

438. 《Friends of China Club Bulletin》Jan.25,1956.

439. 《Overall Direct and Indirect Effect of US Aid》Feb.18,1954,7p.

440. 《Letter》WS Finlay to Val,Dec.28,1951,2p.

441. 《Report on Soda Ash Project》2p.

442. 《First Expansion Project of Kaohsing Ammonium Sulfate Corp.》Jan.30,1957,7p.

443. 《Agreement for Management, Advisory, and Engineering Services》Dec.5,1956,27p.

444. 《Taiwan Gross Civilian Capital Formation 1952-1954》Nov.1955,20p.

445. 《Industrial Development Program Taiwan (FY 1951-1955)》Jan.30,1955,84p.

446. 《Industrialization of Taiwan To-day Jumped to First Place in S.E. Asia》Aug.17,1957,3p.

447. 《Further Comments on the Expansion of Textile Industry》Dec.13,1956,3p.

448. 《Statute for Investment by Foreign Nations》12p.

449. 《Expense Accounts》Aug.17,1957,4p.

450. 《Report on Agricultural Development along Cross Island Highway》Jul.15,1957,3p.

451. 《Report on the Production of Chemical Fertilizers in the Ecafe Region》109p. 1950?

452. 《From A Taiwan 55-57》Jan.21,1955,13p.

453. 《Letter #C130》Nov.28,1956,20p.

454. 《From A Taiwan 57-58》Mar.25,1957,14p.

455. 《Letter》Walter Carr to Val, Dec.30,1954,1p.

456. 《Letter》JL Brent to Val,Jul.16,1957,1p.

457. 《Personal and Confidential》Apr.20, 1951,5p.

458. 《Four-Year Plan for Attainment of Economic Independence 》Nov.1952.45p.

459. 《零星文化》

460. Henry J. Bruton《Industrialization Policy and Income Distribution》July 1974,96p.

461. 《Free China Review》Mar.1956.

462. 《Telecommunications in Taiwan》1961,16p.

463. 《Port of Kaohsiung》Jun.1,1957.

464. 《Nuclear Power in the Future Taiwan Power System》Jun.1957,24p.

465. 《The Reporter》Apr.15、29,1952,40p.

466. 《The Day the Chinese Attacked Korea, 1950》245p.

467. 《Provision for Exemption or Installment Payments of Import Duty and Dues on Machinery and Equipment Imported by Productive Enterprises》July 1965.23p.

468. 《Mineral Industries Development Survey 1954》Oct. 1954,40p.

469. 《The Real International World and the Academic Lag》Aug.14,1958,p172-188.

470. 《Economic Trends in ROC》Sep. 1967,81p+10p+17p+17p+26p.

471. 《Conference on American Trade with Asia and the Far East》 Apr. 17-18, 1958,10p.

472. 《1950、1951工作報告》

473. 《Transistors License Agreement》Feb.21,1956,12p.

474. 《Shimen Reservoir Project Agreement between the Government of the ROC and for Engineering Services》PIO/T 84-99-258-5-60406,Mar.12,1957,71p.

475. 《Preliminary Investigation on US Aid Private Industries》Jan.5,1956,11p.

476. 《Minutes of the 10th meeting of TCBA Operation Improvement Supervisory Group》Oct.8,1956,7p.

477. 《Industrial Survey》Sep.14,1956,1p.

478. 《Comments of Committee ‘A”s Secretariat》(Rayon Staple)Sep.22,1956,5p.

479. 《Situations in regard to industrial production in 1956》2p.

480. 《Progress of the Small Industry Counterpart Loan Fund》Sep.6,1956,6p.

481. 《Taiwan Urea Plant Project》Dec.19,1956,15p.

482. 《Cotton Textile General》Feb.20,1952,4p.

483. 《China Textile Industries Inc.》Oct.9,1951.7p.

484. 《China Textile Industries Inc.》TA-23.2.1,Sep.26,1951,10p.

485. 《Where to place Truman’s Status Remains Big Problem》New Dealers

486. 《Management Digest》『Less Downtime—Less Cost』Nov.1956,p29-31.

487. 《Letter》K.I. King to Val,May7,1957.3p.

488. 《Letter》Williams to Val,Feb28,1957.

489. 《Matters for Report and Discussion for the First Meeting on the Joint Committee of FY1956 SIL》Oct.11,1956,43p.

490. 《Hsinchu Window Glass Works, Inc》Jun.12.1956,4p.

491. 《C & EN》『Nitrogen Problem: Allied’s Answers』Oct.8,1956,p4936-7.

492. J.C. Huang《Some Observations on the Hong Kong Market for Taiwan Hogs》Nov.14,1956,5p.

493. 《Consolidated Income Tax Rates, Business Income Tax Rates and Income Tax Load》Aug.24,1956,6p.

494. 《Balance, Collection and Utilization of Aid NT$ between now and end 1956》Sep.8,1956,3p.

495. 《Taipei City Bus Administration》Jan.26,1957,2p.

496. 《Some Basic Considerations in the Programming of Taiwan’s Industrial Development》Apr.24,1956,4p.

497. 《24 US Air Carriers in Philippine Seas》Jun.1,1954.

498. 《China is Worth Saving》Nov.1949,p55-60.

499. 《Letter》J.B.Wright to Val, Mar.21,1955,2p.

500. 《US Aid Supplies Delivered in 1956 Valued at US$73 Million》Jan.21,1957,1p.

501. 《美援會秘書長王蓬涉嫌濫用職權違法瀆職》Dec.27,1956,3p.

502. 《Bi-Monthly Economic Review》Sep-Oct1956.

503. 《Letter》Val to KA Varghese(Fertilizers),Feb.13,1954,7p.

504. 《To Develop the Tourist Industry》

505. 《Time》Aug.27,1956,p49.

506. 《Construction Activity in Seven Major Cities in Taiwan, 1950-1954》Nov.4, 1955,16p.

507. 《Guide-line for the Resumption of the functions of the Central Bank of China》P.y.Hsu to Val, Jul.6,1961,4p.

508. 《The Nutritional Value of Soybeans》7p.

509. 《Letter》Nels to Val, Mar.31,1955,1p.

510. 《Electric Power in Taiwan To-day》Aug. 1952,33p.

511. 《Mutual Security in Southeast Asia》16p.

512. T.H. Shen《Food Production and Administration in Taiwan》May.1952,15p.

513. 《Re-Industrial Survey》Sep.24,1956,3p.

514. 《Bi-Monthly Economic Review》May-Jun 1957.

515. 《U.S. Aid Financed Gross Civilian Capital Formation》Jun.11,1957,10p.

516. 《General Price Changes During 1956 TOICA A-952》Jan.25,1957,6p.

517. 《Operating Costs of Taiwan Sugar Corporation–1956》Jun.5,1957,1p.

518. 《U.S. Dollar Aid and Counterpart Fund Financed Capital Formation》Jun.19,1956,12p.

519. 《KASC’s 1st Expansion》Feb.21,1957,1p.

520. 《Foreign Exchange Rates and Price Movements, Jun. 1949-May 1955》Aug.22,1955,3p.

521. 《Annual Value and Percentage of (a) Construction Material Imports and (b) Machinery Equipment and Parts Imports in Total Chinese and FOA-Financed Imports, 1950-1954》9p.

522. 《Present Industrial Development in Formosa》May 17,1955,15p

523. 《Part VI Overall Objectives of Aid to Industries and Services》1952,49.

524. 《》p2-8

525. 《》May 16,1955,12p.

526. 《Comparison of Joint Imports Financed with govt Exchange and ICA non-project Commercial Procurement Funds between 1955 and 1956》3p.

527. 《Review of 2.5 Year Execution of 4-Year Industrial Plan》

528. 《Imports of Edible Oils During 1954》Dec.13,1955,2p.

529. 《The Administrative Achievements of Taiwan Province in the Past Six Years》1952,17p.

530. 《Economic Development on Taiwan 1951-1955》Jan.1956,87p.

531. 《Program for Consolidated Extension, Purchasing and Distribution of Ramie》Apr. 30,1957,3p.

532. 《Letter》Frank L. Turner to Val, Dec.13

533. 《Letter》Frank L. Turner to Val, Jan.29,1954,2p.

534. 《Establishment of Bonded Zone in Kaohsiung for the Promotion of Export Processing Industries》May 17,1956,4p.

535. 《Average Monthly Wage Payments by Industry》p20-24. 不全.

536. 《Report on Delinquent Payments on Aid Equipment and Commodities Allocated Various Recipients》Mar.26,1956,4p.

537. 《Front Lines》Jun.30,1965.

538. 《Letter》Fred C. Wong to Val,Jan.11,1958.2p.

539. 《Exportation of Taiwan Salt》1p.

540. 《Letter》J.H. Moore to Val,Aug 16,1988.

541. 《Letter》J.H. Moore to Val, Sep.21,1967,4p.

542. 《Taiwan Industrial Panorama》Apr-May,1969,4p.

543. 《Chattel Moatgage Law》Jan.10,1955,9p.

544. 《Letter》J.H. Moore to Val, Dec.25,1969,3p.

545. 《Taiwan Industrial Panorama》Mar.1969,Aug. 1970,8p.

546. 《Free China Review》Jan. 1966,p19-22.

547. 《Bi-Monthly Economic Review》Jan-Feb. 1956.

548. 《Taiwan Industrial Panorama》Jan.1973,4p, KT Li to Val.

549. 《國內要聞》四月六月七月,1958;10p.

550. 《Letter》Val to Ray,May11,1955,3p.

551. 《Description of Project and reasons for U.S. Financial Support》p2-4,欠p1.

552. 《Final Report Kung Lien Cheng Jute Mill–Hsinying》MSA-21.3.1,Feb.23,1955, 13p. 12張寫真.

553. 《Summary Taiwan Trade Value》40p.

554. 《Overall Evaluation of Effect-U.S. Aid》Feb.20,1954,7p.

555. 《Industrial Development Commission》Jun.28,1954,2p.

556. Kakuten Hara《Economic Development and Possibility of Trade Expansion in Southeast Asia》p52-59.

557. 《The Equalization of Urban land Rights Act and Regulation Governing the Implementation in Taiwan》Apr.1956,54p.

558. T.C. Pan潘鋕甲《The Accomplishments of the First Four-Year Plan—An Initial Analysis》8p.(根據JGW傳遞條推測可能是1957年3月14日送交狄卜賽)

559. 《Taiwan Power Company》Mar.19,1957,5p.

560. 《IV: Review》3p.

561. K.T. Li《A Review of Industrial Development in 1956》15p.

562. 《Imports of Edible Oils During 1953》1p.

563. W. Arthur Lewis《On Planning in Backward Countries》5p.

564. 《Taiwan Golf and Country Club》1956,7p.

565. 《An Abstract of Glass Ware Manufacturing Project》Feb.22,1956,2p.

566. 《Production Records for 1949-1955》 Tang Eng Iron Works, 3p.

567. 《Taiwan, A Favorite Among International Investors》30th Anniversary of IDIC

568. 《Ammonium Sulfate Plant》Sep.19,1957,16p.

569. 《參加 75年國慶各國外賓訪問日程》Oct.8-20,1986.

570. 《The ROC Six-year National Development Plan in Brief》Aug. 1991,14p.

571. 《Heating & Air Conditioning for A Residence》Glen Paulsen to Connie, Dec.14,1959,6p.

572. 《Commissioner of Patents》 jan.2,1958,1p.

573. 《US Aid/Industry》Jun.7,1965,1p.

574. 《Tatung Engineering Co.》Mar.18,1965,2p.

575. 《Taiwan Tales》Feb.22,1959,14p.

576. 《The 26th Arsenal》Nov.7,1956,4p.

577. 《Total US Aid to Selected Industrial Projects》Jan.30,6p.

578. 《Kaohsiung Ammonium Sulfate Corporation, Ltd.》Nov.1956,4p+台灣新聞畫報+手稿3p.

579. 《Survey of Economy of Taiwan: Summary and Conclusion》Dec.4,1951.4p.

580. 《Chigovt Foreign Investment Law》Jul.12,1954,11p.

581. K.Y.Yin《Adverse Trend in Taiwan’s Industrial development》Jul.22.1954,5p.

582. Lamp Li《The Structure and Geographical Distribution of Taiwan’s Industries》Jul.14, 12p.

583. 《Revised Company Law of China》Sep.25,1952,53p.

584. 《Overall Objectives of Aid to Industries and Services》1952,4p.

585. 《Economic Stabilization Board》May 22,1952.2p.

586. 《A Survey Type Study of the Absorption of Graduate Engineers by Taiwan Industry》Nov.1956,11p.

587. 《Four-Year Agricultural Plan is Successful》Feb.18,1957,2p.

588. 《A Brief Report on Taiwan Highways》Mar.1956,20p.

589. John E. Arens 《Why is it Important》7p.

590. 《Taiwan Power System》Jan. 1957,2p.

591. 《Basic Land Use and Forest Statistics for Formosa》JCRR,1956,30p.

592. 《A Sketch Descriptions of the Second Four-Year Industrial Program》(confidential) Dec.6,1956,7p.

593. 《Conlon Associates to Make Senate Study on Us Asia Policy》Mar.4,1959,20p

594. Dorothy Woodman《Facing Facts in Formosa— A Challenge to Peace》Aug.1950,12p.

595. 《Investment Laws》Sep.1961,67p.

596. 《A Brief Description of Steel Making at Tung Eng Iron Works and Tung Eng’s Proposed FY1956 project of Expansion》

597. 《Taiwan Highways》(confidential)1Gp.

598. 《Map of Taipei》1955, 1Gp.

599. 《Friends of China Club》1p.

600. 《Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement》May13,1958,5p.

601. 《To Help Others is the Greatest Pleasure》2p.

602. 《Estimate of Cost of Japanese 12 lb, Grey Sheeting Ex-Warehouse, Keflung 15.65-1 Basis》5p.

603. 《Can this Tiger Burn Bright Again?》Business Week/Dec.3,1990.

604. 《Monthly Economic Review》May 1952,19p’.

605. 《Monthly Economic Review》Apr. 1952,16p.

606. 《Monthly Economic Review》Aug. 1952,18p.

607. 《Monthly Economic Review》Jan-Feb 1955,16p.

608. 《Monthly Economic Review》Nov-Dec 1954,24p.

609. 《Monthly Economic Review》May 1953,22p.

610. 《Monthly Economic Review》Feb. 1953,18p.

611. 《Monthly Economic Review》Sep-Oct 1954,20p.

612. 《Monthly Economic Review》Jan-Feb 1954,28p.

613. 《Monthly Economic Review》Sep. 1952,20p.

614. 《Report on Washing Tower Design Discussion with Inventa and Vulcan》 May 8,1959,7p.

615. 《Shipbuilding and Repairing》2p.

616. 《New Taiwan Plastic Factory Commenced Operation》2p.

617. 《The Expanding Taiwan Salt》July 1957,4p.

618. 《Actual Exchange Rate Under the Measures for Promoting Export Sales of Products Processed with Imported Raw Materials》July 9,1957,19p.

619. 《The Bituminous Pavement of Taiwan North South Arterial Highway》20p.

620. 《Economic Progress on Formosa》Feb.1952,20p.

621. 《Directory of Taiwan 1955》151p.

622. 《Fifteen Years of US Economic Assistance to ROC》15p.

623. 《Discussion of General Industrial Loan Fund》Dec.3,1954,3p.

624. 《Weaving, Cotton》TA-23.2.1,Aug.31,1954,3p.

625. 《Record of Taxes Paid by Dah Ching Cotton Mill-1952 MSA-End-Use Report No.291-Feb.25,1953》Mar.9,1953,3p.

626. 《Industrial Program FY1952 Through FY1955》Aug.14,1952,1p.

627. 《High Lights of Taiwan Power system》Nov.1,1956,2p.

628. 《Government Backstopping Industry Abroad》C & En,Dec.10,1956,p6060-62.

629. 《The International Sugar Council Revised 1956 Export Quotas》Jan.1957,p23-4.

630. 《Preliminary Investigation on US Aid Private Industries》Jan.5,1956,3p.

631. K.T. Li《Briefing the Industrial Program of the Four Year Economic Development Plan to EAG》Aug.18,1954,4p.

632. 《》J.L. Brent to Lin. Sep.20,1954,3p.

633. 《Revised Processing Cost Sheet for 440000Lbs. of Lowered-Qualitied Wettable DDT Prepared Directly from Technical DDT》Jul.14,1952,7p.

634. 《Nan Chuang Coal Field Exploration Bureau》Nov.28,1953,1p.

635. 《Overall Direct and Indirect Effect of US Aid》Feb.18,1954,7p.

636. 《HTB Val原稿》7p.

637. 《Committee D’s Estimate of fertilizer Requirements for CY57》Jan.10,1957,5p.

638. 《Second Four Year Plan(1957-60)—Draft Plan for Petroleum Refining Industry》Nov.14,1956,6p.

639. 《A Proposal for Expansion of PVC Plant and Manufacture of PVA and Copolymers》Formosa Plastics Corporation 4p.

640. 《Supplement to Report on Paper Industry, 1956》Jun,1957,5p.

641. 《Survey of Paper Industry》May 8,1957,54p.

642. 《Expenditures to Support the Military Aid Program》Jun.22,1956,24p.

643. 《Meeting for Screening Applications Under the Third Lot of Small Industrial Loans》38p.

644. 《FY1955 Industrial Program, Opinion on JGW’s Comments》43-G, Jul.30,1954,6p.

645. Hu Shih《The Communist Regime in China is Unstable and Shaky》Sep.26,1957,9p.

646. 《General Problems Relating to Financing of Industrial Development in the Second 4-Yeay Plan》Jun.27,1957,2p.

647. 《Cotton Textile General》TA 23.2.1,Feb.16,1952,2p.

648. 《70% HTB Price》電報

649. 《Letter》Val to Yao,Mar.7,1958,2p.

650. 《Letter》Yao to Val,Jun.20,1951,4p.

651. 《Minutes of Meeting on Taiwan Alkali Company High Test Bleach Plant》Sep.4,1956,13p.

652. 《Minutes of Meeting on Taiwan Alkali Company High Test Bleach Plant》Sep.11,1956,13p.

653. 《Meeting in Zurich on 24th May,1956》13p.

654. 《High Test Bleach Plant》Aug.31,1956,8p.

655. 《High Test Bleach Plant》Aug.21,1956,3p.

656. 《Vacuum Pump for HTB Plant》Aug.16,1956.1p.

657. 《Minutes of Meeting on Taiwan Alkali Company High Test Bleach Plant》Aug.13,1956,8p.

658. 《Letter》Yao to Exporters, Aug.6.1956,1p.

659. 《Letter》E.C. Krebs to Val,Jul.30,1956,2p.

660. 《Ammonium Chloride》Feb.23,1957,1p.

661. 《Letter》E.C. Krebs to Yao ,Jul.30,1956,2p.

662. 《Program for Production and Improvement 1957 to 1960》Jan.1957,31p.內13頁為北京話版。

663. 《High Test Bleach Plant PA 2307》Mar.30,1957,25p.

664. 《Replacement Parts to HTB-Plant》Feb.22,1957,8p.

665. 《HTB report》Jun.12,1957,8p.

666. 《HTB Plant》CGRA,Aug.12,1957,2p.

667. 《Interim End-Use Report No.E-890C》Dec.26,1956,3p.

668. 《Filter Bags HTB Plant》Jul.30,1957,1p.

669. 《Interim End-Use Report No.E-890D》Jun.4,1957,2p

670. 《HTB》Val to Yao, Jun 8,1957,3p.

671. 《Pump for Calcium Hypochlorite and Lime》Jan.11,1957,1p.

672. 《Pumps》9p.

673. 《Krebs & Co.》Dec.5,1951,7p.

674. 《The Taiwan Economic Data Book》(Confidential) 285p.

675. 《The Industrial Program under the Four-Year Economic Development Plan》Jun 30,1954,162p.

676. 《Import Exchange Settlement for Pharmaceuticals in CY1956》Jun.1957,100p.

677. 《Pharmaceuticals (1957-1960)》Feb.24,1956,4p.

678. 《The ICA Aid Program for FY-1956》Mar.1,1956,18p.

679. 《Power Projects on Taiwan》Taiwan Pictorial, Oct.25,1956,4p.

680. 《Industrial Production Value under the Four-Year Plan》(Table II,III,IV)

681. 《Question》4p.

682. 《Information on Chinese Chemical Industry》Nov.25,1958,10p.

683. 《自由中國的工業奇葩—大同電扇電表》p12-13.

684. 《Fourth Four-Year Plan for Economic Development of Taiwan 1965-1968》Nov.1965,272p.

685. 《Taiwan Pictorial》July 1958.

686. 《Wonderful Success in Industries of Free China》Aug.1,1956,3p.

687. 《Taiwan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. 1956》Aug.13,1956, 21p.

688. 《Economic and Political Condition on Taiwan》Jul.2、3、4,1956. 4p.

689. 《Taiwan Paper Industry》Sep.10,1956,4p.

690. 《Tachien Dam Project under Survey and Planning》Oct.10,1956,4p.

691. 《Growing Profits on a Heavy Debt》Business Week, Jul.21,1956,p71-74.

692. 《Letter》J.L.Brent to Laura, Sep.18,1956,3p.

693. 《Chinese Puzzle: Mao’s Foreign Policy》The New York Times Magazine, Oct.12,1958,6p.

694. Herrymon Maurer《Formosa and Free World Policy》The New Leader, Apr.4, 1955,15p.

695. 《What’s at Stake in Formosa》The Reporter, Mar.10,1955.

696. 《Intelligence Reports: 3 Color Photos》

697. 《Letter》Val to Cousin, Nov.24,1959,1p.

698. 《Changing Trade Patterns as Underdeveloped Areas Become Developed》Draft, 7/22/58,13p.

699. 《Coming Problems of US Economic Development》Science, Oct.17,1958, p879-882.

700. 《Development Loan Fund》Oct.1958,16p.

701. 《Letter》Dudley F. Phelps to Secretary of Commerce, Nov.19,1958,4p.

702. 《Private Capital Opportunities–Taiwan》Mar.10,1952,3p.

703. 《Two Harms of Taiwan Economy》Nov.1952,2p.

704. 《Comments on Proposed Industrial Program FY52-FY53》Jul.15,1952,4p.

705. 《Letter》Draft, Val to Moyer, 8p.1951?

706. 《ECA Procedures—General Economy》Jul.1,1951,2p.

707. 《手稿》2p.

708. 《ECA-JCRR Press Translation Summary》Jun.5,1951,3p.

709. 《Island in the Sun》The Wall Street Journal, Mar.26,1950,1p.

710. 《Investment in Making Yung-Li Chemical Plant》Apr.28,1958,9p.

711. 《HTB強力漂粉工場試車發生困難》Sep.6,1956,7p.

712. 《HTB強力漂粉工場試車發生困難交涉經過》Sep.15,1956,42p.

713. 《HTB強力漂粉工場試車發生困難》Sep.21,1956,5p.

714. 《HTB》A.H. Clem to Yao, May 28,1958,2p.

715. 《HTB》Draft,Oct.25,1956,2p.

716. 《Letter》Val to Robert Banks,Jun12,1950,1p.

717. 《A Brief Report on the High Test Bleaching Poweder Project of Taiwan Alkali Company》HTB, Jan.18,1955,21p.

718. 《Daily Report of HTB Plant》5p.

719. 《Instructions on the Operations of the Drying Plant as a Part of the HTB Plant》2p.

720. 《Instructions on the Operation of a Part of the HTB Plant》7p.

721. 《 KREBS—Parice HTB Plant》Apr.16,1956,12p.

722. 《HTB》Apr.24,1958,4p.

723. 《HTB》Apr.30,1958,4p.

724. 《HTB》May.3,1958,2p.

725. 《Purdue University to Val》Aug.5,1958,1p.

726. 《Statistics of Import Commodities 1951-1955》Mar.31,1956,22p.

727. 《Land Reform》Mar6,1953,25p.

728. 《Recent Changes in Rural and Urban Taiwan》Sep.1954,8p.

729. 《List of Products Identifiable by way of Packing, Labeling, or Making, Exported from Taiwan to South-Eastern Asia during 1955 Jan. to 1956 Jul.》8p.

730. 《Additional Statistical Data of Imported Commodities 1951-1955》Apr.2,1956,1p.

731. 《Foreign Investment in Taiwan》Oct.19,1953,11p.

732. 《Kaohsiung Ammonium Sulfate Corporation, Ltd.—Progress report No.1》Mar.2,1957,3p.

733. 《Private Capital Opporitunities–Taiwan》Mar.10,1952,3p.

734. 《Consumtion of Cotton and Cotton Products in the First Six Months of 1952》TA 23.2.1,Sep.23,1952,11p.

735. 《TA-22.1.1》May 15,1952,3p.

736. 《Jardine, Matheson & Co., Limited to Val》Oct.24,1952,2p.

737. 《Coal-Washer at No.1 Fertizer Co. Plant》Jun.27,1952,1p.

738. 《Letter》Martin Wong to Chang, May 15,1p.

739. 《Price Inflation in Taiwan》May22,1952,9p.

740. 《Letter》Ivy to Val, May16,1958,1p.

741. 《Privatee Capital Opportunity》May 26,1952,4p.

742. 《Principales of Rational Foreign Economic War Policy》Feb.19,9p.

743. 《A Brief Summary of ‘The Economic and Political Hazards of the Inflationary Defence Economy’》2p.

744. 《Manuscrip ‘Development of Industrialization in Taiwan under Japanese Regime’》 Aug.28,1952,14p.

745. 《Industries of Formosa》June 1952,32p.

746. 《Preliminary Report Urban and Industrial Survey of Taiwan》Sep.28,1953,17p.

747. 《Comments on ‘Plan for Taiwan Food Production and Utilization of Capital for Calendar Year 1952’》Dec.4,1951,3p.

748. 《Comments on Agricultural Production Goals Set by PDAF, Food Bureau and Mr. Owen L. Dawson》Dec.1,1951,21p.

749. 《New Front in the Cold War—The US Searches for a World Economic Policy》Time,Dec.13,1954,1p.

750. 《Hualien Nitrogen Fertilizer Factory》MSA-16.0, Mar.16,1953,10p.

751. 《Letter》R.D. Smith to Val,Dec.7,1955,2p.

752. 《Letter》Yao to Yen, Feb.15,1957,6p.

753. 《Whom will be Deceived? The God?》Nov. 1952,2p.

754. 《Mail》Mar.13,1951,1p.

755. 《Mail》Sep.13,1951,5p.

756. 《Cotton Textiles—General, Use of Counter-part Funds》Sep.18,1951,10p.

757. 《Production Verseus Inflation》Feb.12,1952,3p.

758. 《Results of Small Industry Loans》Jan.25,1956,5p.

759. 《Plan for Taiwan Food Production and Utilization of Capital for Calendar Year 1952》(Restricted) Nov.7,1951,31p.

760. 《Small Business Memo》Jan.4,1955,6p.

761. 《letter》Martin to Val, Feb.27,1952,1p.

762. 《Capital Expenditures of Government-owned Industries》May12,1952,1p.

763. 《letter to Yin》JCRR-51-5100, Dec.18,1951,2p.

764. 《Comments on Plan for Taiwan Food Production and Utilization of Capital for Calendar Year 1952》Dec.7,1951,2p.

765. 《Trend of Development under Industry Taiwan as trend in Asia》Draft,2p.

766. 《Talk by Ragner D. Naess》Apr.23,1959,4p.

767. 《Correspondence from Mr. K.Y. Pao, Acting Chairman of Chinese Gov’t Procurement Services Mission》44-c-1688, Jun6,1955,9.

768. 《Minutes of Press Conference》Jan17,1952,9p.

769. 《Oil Exploration》Jul.1,1952,1p.

770. 《TA-27.3.1 Ta-2.1》Jun25,1952,3p.

771. 《Draft》Aug.19,1952,9p.

772. 《Yawata Iron & Steel Works》Jul6,1953,6p.

773. 《MSA-JCRR Press Translation Summary》Jul.17,1952,2p.

774. 《Report on 154th Meeting of Taiwan Production Board》May17,1952,9p.

775. 《Letter》Ministry of National Defense to Wong,Jun27,1952,1p.

776. 《Ching-Kua-Sheh Copper Mine》ECA-19.3, Jun3,1952,37p.

777. 《The Taiwan Eagle》May29,1952,8p.

778. 《Survey of the Livehood of Taiwan Fishing People & Outline of recommendations for Its Improvement》Jun17,1952,7p.

779. 《Textile General—Planned Developments in Textiles FY1953— US$2000000.00》TA 23.1, May20,1952,4p.

780. 《Tentative CY1953 Counterpart Fund Budget on Industrial Projects》Oct.6, 1952,2p.

781. 《Power Development Program for FY1952, FY1953, and FY1954》ECA-15.11, Jun16,1952,3p.

782. 《Exyracts from the European Recovery Program by Seymour E. Harris》Jan23,3p.

783. 《Comments on Industrial Program FY1952 through FY1955》Jul11,1952,2p.

784. 《Letter》Martin Wong to Dr. Chu,Aug.18, 1952?,1p.

785. 《Industrial Aid Program 1953-1955 Petroleum》Jul.24,1952,1p.

786. 《Nan-Shih, Chu-Keng and Wu-Sheh Power Projects》ECA-15.11 TA-16.3, Aug.19,1952,2p.

787. 《Salable Commodity Component-FY54》Jul31,1952,3p.

788. 《To Whom it May Concern》Aug.27,1952,1p.

789. 《Industrial Development—Financing & Production Plan》Aug.28,1952,1p.

790. 《Foreign Exchange Savings—US$–Estimated Savings from Development of Cotton Processing Industry—FY1950,1951,1952,1953&1954》Aug.25,1952,2p.

791. 《Regulation Governing the Issurance of Land Bond in Taiwan》Aug.2,1952,4p.

792. 《Plans for Land Reform Program》Jul30,1952,4p.

793. 《Letter》KY Yin to Val,Dec.17,1951,1p.

794. 《Discussion on the Food Production Plan of the Food Bureau Held on》Nov.29,1951,2p.

795. 《Far East Demonstration Small Industry and Handicraft Development Project》Jan20,1956,13p.

796. 《T-8 East-West Tie-Line Dedication Ceremonies》台電東西線竣工典禮共 24張寫真,Dec.19,1951,14p.

797. 《Proposed Rate Adjustment》Jul.1952,8p.

798. 《Special Articles from The White Paper— US Relationship with China》25p.

799. 《The Long March Away from China》Business Week, Sep.30,1972,p10.

800. 《Letter》Val to C.O. Brown,Dec.11,1956,2p.

801. 《Taiwan Fund Chairman’s Message》Feb.2,1990, 34p.

802. 《Annual report of Taiwan Fertilizer Co. for 1951》Jul 1,1952,11p.

803. 《Presrentation of a Plant for a Production Mobilization Bureau for Taiwan》10p.

804. 《Report on Progress of the Mechanical Industry of Taiwan During CY1952, With Particular Emphasis on the ‘Metal Trades’》Nov.13,1952,13p.

805. 《Forestry General– Forestry Project—Dollar Savings》Aug.26,1952,8p.

806. 《Comments on T.I.M.C. as a Profitable Investment for the Ousted Land Owners under the Land to the Tiller Program》Mar.11,1953,3p.

807. 《Industrialisation of Taiwan and American Private Investment》Mar.14,1953,4p.

808. 《Properties to be sold as Part of the Land Reform Program》Mar.10,1953.2p.

809. 《Sale of Government Enterprises to Private Ownership》Mar.11,1953,1p.

810. 《Repayment of Counterpart Loans》Jul9,1952,1p.

811. 《Consumption of Cotton and Cotton Products 1952》Mar4,1953,16p.

812. 《Statistics of Import Exchange》Mar30,1953,1p.

813. 《Comments on the Sale of Governmental Enterpries》Mar11,1953.4p.

814. 《Local Products》Apr.7,19532p.

815. 《Items Appearing in Statistics of Import Exchange Settlements for Feb. 1953, Which Could Have Been Made in Taiwan》Apr.9,1953,1p.

816. 《End-Use Report No.118A》Apr.6,1953,2p.

817. 《Statistics of Import Exchange—Feb. 1953》Apr.3,1953,1p.

818. 《Cost Production of Sugar》Aug.8,1952,3p.

819. 《Lumber Price Comparisons》3p.

820. 《Country Service Formosa》Aug1,1953,8p.

821. 《Zipper Industry》Dec.14,1954,1p.

822. 《End-Use Report No.760》Nov.29,1953,13p.

823. 《Field trip Report》Aug.20,1954,3p.

824. 《A Preliminary Report on the First Experience of China in National Accounting for Taiwan》Feb.1954,22p.

825. 《China Steel》Sep. 1982,14p.

826. 《Stamps Tell the Story of ROC》Jul.1971,28p.

827. 《Economic Progress in ROC》Jul 1971,42p.

828. 《Report on Local Sulfur Ore for Fertilizer Production on Taiwan》JGW, Oct.4,1949,38p.內含14張寫真。

829. 《Development of the Small Farm Economy in Taiwan》July 1986,11p.

830. 《Part VI Overall Objectives of Aid to Industries and Services》4p.

831. 《Letter》Val to KT Li, Sep.8,1986,2p.

832. 《Projected Industrial Profile of Taiwan in 1977》Aug15,1967,10p.

833. 《New Hope from Formosa》The Reader Digest(condensed from Fortune,Jun 1959), p230-236.

834. 《4th Meeting of Working Group on Coordination of Agricultural and Industrial Production, ESB》 Sep.27,1951,7p.

835. 《Our Opportunity on Formosa》The Reporter,Dec.9,1952,p14-19.

836. 《Textile Requirements Vietnam》Dec.7,1956,15p.

837. 《Additional Projects Necessary to Accomplish Self-Support》Sep.17,1954,3p.

838. 《Climax of the China Tragedy》Newsweek,Jan.16,1950,p17-21.(KC Wu)

839. 《Final Report—Cotton Preparatory Machinery—Chang Hwa Cotton Mill, Ltd., Originally Ordered on P/A 2268, Fy1952, MES—Cancelled by CUSA—US$ 36000》MSA-21.1.1, May 1,1953,8p.

840. 《Report by Adlai Stevenson》Look,May19,1953,5p.

841. 《Chinese Petroleum Kaohsiung Refinery Monthly Refining Cost》3p.

842. 《Taiwan Highway Bureau》Mar28,1956,2p.

843. 《Bi-Monthly Economic Review》Mar-Apr,1956,22p.

844. 《A Progress Report on Camphor Production from Camphor Veneers and Manufacture of Camphor Plywood from Spent Veneers》Jan.17,1956,3p.

845. 《End-Use Report No.E-1136(Routine) Receipien: Ching Ta Knitting Factory Commodity: Artificial Fibre under PA 5252》Apr.6,1956,2p.

846. 《Letter》Val to Gen Chiang, May27, 1958,1p.

847. 《Letter》to Clinton Morse, Jun3,1958,2p.

848. 《The Briefing on the General Economic Situation in Taiwan for the Members of the Economic Advisory Group》2p.

849. 《Prospects for Private International Investment》Sep.28,1954,7p.

850. 《The People and the Labor of Taiwan》10p.

851. 《Report on Progress of the Mechanical Industry of Taiwan During CY1952,. 》Nov.13,1952,13p.

852. 《Comments on the draft of JCIRR Industrial Program of June 11, 1952》July 1,1952,2p.

853. 《Comments on 3-year Industrial Program for Communication services & industries in Taiwan, FY 1952 through FY 1955》July 2,1952,2p.

854. 《Cotton Textiles General NT$ Revenue from Cotton Textile Industry》Mar31,1953,5p.

855. 《Private Enterprise Project》Mar9,1953,6p.

856. 《US$ Cost of Cotton Textile Imports in 1953 Foreign Exchange Savings and Possible Foreign Exchange Savings》May13,1954,17p.

857. 《Proposed ‘Development Corporation’》July23,1952,6p.

858. 《Four-Year Plan for Economic Development of Taiwan Agricultural Section Book I Introduction and Explanatory Notes》Jan. 1954,29p.

859. 《Meeting with EAG members》CD-M-71, Aug.25,1954,2p.

860. 《A Brief Report on Agricultural Section of the Four-Year Plan for Economic development of Taiwan》Aug20,1954,6p.

861. 《General Information about the Taxes》2p.

862. P.H. Cheng《Four Important Proposals》Jan28,1952,15p.

863. 《How Does Your Growth Stack Up?》C & EN, Nov.26,1956, p5810-11.

864. Thomas T. Shen《Keelung City Bus Service》Dec.15,1953,14p.

865. 《Letter》Wen-Chi Tung to Val, Oct.14,1954,1p.

866. Ben H. Louison《Glass Industry on Taiwan》Dec.1953,35p.

867. Y.K. Peng《The Electrical Appliance Manufacturing Industries in Taiwan》Dec. 22,1953,19p.

868. 《Free China》Oct. 1974.

869. 《Iron and Steel—Hainan Ore》Apr.18,1950,2p.

870. 《Hainan Iron Ore》Apr.31,1950,1p.

871. 《List of Equipment & Supplies Required by the Hainan Iron Mining Bureau in 1950》Apr.15,1950,17p.

872. 《海南鐵礦局39年度需用器材表》(Hainan)1950年4月15日22p.

873. D.P. Vann 《Tientu Iron Mine Report》(Hainan)Feb.19,1949,4p.

874. 《Iron Ore Resources on Hainan Island》7p.

875. 《General Headquarter Suprime Commander for the Allied Powers’》(Hainan)Jan.19,1948,23p.

876. 《A Brief History of Hainan Iron Mines》June 1948,20p.

877. P.C. Ma, P.S. Chang, L.Y. Chang《Report on a Trip to Hainan Island》Jan. 1950,71p. 11張寫真。

878. 《海南雜物》 dB869-dB878 為海南卷宗(Hainan)。

879. 《CAT Bulletin》(Taiwan Golf & Country)May 1954;April 1954;July 1954;Feb. 1955;March 1955。

880. Thomas B. Gold《State and Society in the Taiwan Miracle》An East Gate Book,1986,192p.

881. Robert L. Downen《To Bridge the Taiwan Strait》The Council for Social and Economic Studies,Jun 1984,128p.

882. 《FOA AID to Taiwan Industry Project Maps》(Power,Railways,Highways,Fertilizer,Coal Mines,Mining and Ceramics,Telecommunications,Textile Industry,Chemical Industry,Metal Industry,Lumbering,Pulp & Paper,Food Processing,Shipbuilding and Harbors,Fisheries)FOA/Mutural Security Mission to China, Aug. 31, 1953,15p.

883. 《Essential Statistics on Taiwan》CUSA, July 1961,6p.

884. 《The New Yorker》May 11,1946.

885. 《The National Geographic Magazine》Jan. 1945.

886. 《The Quaterly Journal of National Resources Commission》「Industrial Development and Reconstruction in Taiwan」《資源委員會季刊》「台灣工礦建設專號」Dec. 1946.258+68p.

887. 《Taiwan》1967

888. 《Taiwan》1967

889. 《Visit Taiwan》

890. 《Taiwan》1967

891. 《From Dr. Sun to Gereralissimo Chiang》Oct. 21,1964,21p.

892. 《South Africa for the Visitor》地圖一張

893. 《下山容易上山難》

894. 《廣播收音機執照》

895. 《狄康妮入山許可證不准攜帶照相機》1956年3月15日

896. 《外僑居留證》

897. 《Meat Dumplings、Spring Rolls、Moon Dumplings、New Year Cake》4p.

898. 《香港兄弟古玩公司》

899. 《獅頭山之由來》8p.

900. 《拾Ten Year that Transformed Taiwan》

901. 《S. Paulo Guide》

902. 《China News》Jul.12,1953

903. 《Grand Award》

904. 《Second Award》

905. 《de Beausset世界名人錄及著作影印》

906. 《Letter》to Val, Sep.25,1955.1p.

907. 《Letter》to Val, Aug.15,1955.1p.

908. 《Letter》to Bill, Feb.28,1950.1p(不全).

909. 《We Need More Advancement》Oct.24,1956,3p.

910. 《Letter》C.G. Kwei to Val, Sep.20,1955,4p.

911. 《The following manufacturers are equipped with rolling mills only’》p15-26. (不全)

912. 《1955生產比較 不全》p3-10.

913. 《零碎文件一包》

914. 《Letter》K.C. Shah to Val, May 12,1951,1p.

915. 《寫真一堆》大同5,狄卜賽1,油管2,清真寺1,哥斯達黎加2,中南美10,共21張寫真。

916. 《海南特區長官公署》1950年4月12日陳濟堂

917. 《Letter》蔣經國 to Val,July 26,1958,1p, 連信封郵票33元。

918. 《Letter》Val to J.H. Moore,May 6,1969,1p.

919. 《Letter》Val to J.H. Moore,Mar 11,1969,1p.

920. 《Letter》Yuan-Chi Tang to Val, Nov. 9,1965,1p.

921. 《Lettter》Val to and back L.K. Chen, Aug.30,1965,4p.

922. 《Letter》K.T. Li to Val, May 29,1996,1p.

923. 《Letter》K.T. Li to Val, Mar. 21,1988,1p.

924. 《Letter》K.T. Li to Val, Apr. 17,1996,1p.

925. 《Letter》Val to K.T. Li, May 3,1996,2p.

926. 《Letter》Val to K.T. Li, Apr. 2,1996,1p.

927. 《Letter》K.T. Li to Val, Oct. 8,1986,1p.

928. 《Letter》Y. Chen to Val, May 18,1964,2p.

929. 《Letter》J.H. Moore to Val, Apr. 14,1969,1p.

930. 《Letter》Val to Laura, Apr. 26,1966,1p.

931. 《Letter》Val to K.T. Li, Apr. 26,1966,1p.

932. 《Look》『They Live on a volocano』,1955/5/7.

933. 《Formosa:Asia’s Heartening Success Story》The Reader’s Digest,Feb.1966, p139-144.

934. 《Amazing Success Story in Asia》U.S. News & World Report, Mar.11,1968, p48-52.

935. 《Letter 廣告》John Chang,Jan.15,1958,3p.

936. 《Letter》Val to Filemon C. Rodriguez,Dec. 10,1957,page4.欠 3張.

937. 《New Horizons》Tunghai University,Oct. 1953.2p.


938. 蒙狄卜賽夫婦再度贈與資料,包括4張CD(2大2小),是Farewell Party、Banner、康妮水墨畫作品、離台機場寫真及夫婦近照。

939. 《Time Schedule on Wusha-Toroko Field Trip》(July 22, Monday—July 28, 1957)11p.此行與康妮父母橫越,孫運璿在花蓮接。

940. 《烏來發電所竣工典禮紀念》台灣電力公司,1951/1,12禎寫真。寫真帖。

941. 《東西電力系統聯絡工程竣工紀念》台灣電力公司,1951/12,22禎寫真。寫真帖。

942. 《新竹玻璃工廠動土典禮》新竹玻璃,1954/4/19,26禎寫真。信1紙。寫真帖。

943. 《Farewell Party》1957/8,11禎寫真。與CD的Farewell Party內容相近,但寫真尺寸較小,沒有表示那單位送的。寫真帖。

944. 《大同公司寫真帖》大同公司,1967/8/18,9禎寫真。第一返台。寫真帖。

945. 《Salt》19??/?/?,36禎寫真。封面有Made in Occupied Japan。寫真尺寸是當時普遍使用的6cm × 6cm通稱2吋半。寫真帖。

946. 《Hsinchu Window Glass Works Inc.》從動土始,53禎寫真。1952/3/27~7/10。

947. 《電信管理局》1953/3/10,70禎寫真。寫真帖。

948. 《台灣鋼鐵廠??》1950/1/2杜委員再山蒞廠視察留影,36禎寫真。寫真帖。

949. 《Tang-Eng Iron Works》31禎寫真。時間猜測1950年11月,內含11頁報告及唐榮工廠配置圖一大張。寫真帖。

950. 《Taiwan E-W Cross Island Highway》1961/5/9,15禎寫真。寫真帖。

951. 《零散寫真1》機場及西北航空公司,10禎寫真。

952. 《零散寫真2》狄卜賽抵達上海機場,18禎寫真。

953. 《零散寫真3》總督府前,3禎寫真。

954. 《零散寫真4》台南空軍基地1951/4、鹽田1952/6、台北大橋油漆1951/6,4禎寫真。

955. 《零散寫真5》西螺大橋,1952/7/1,8禎寫真。

956. 《零散寫真6》東西輸電線竣工典禮1951/12/19,新竹變電所等,9禎寫真。

957. 《零散寫真7》1953/6/15花蓮氮肥廠、黃鐵礦,12禎寫真。

958. 《零散寫真8》1954/11/2賣枝仔冰、陳誠、宋美齡,6禎寫真。

959. 《零散寫真9》藏在荒野中的秘密,46禎寫真。(重複品43禎寫真。)

960. 《零散寫真10》1954/11/20原住民區、橫越溪流,8禎寫真。

961. 《零散寫真11》MSM/C—JCRR視察花蓮氮肥廠,11禎寫真。

962. 《零散寫真12》1955/1/13鐵路相關,6禎寫真。

963. 《零散寫真13》美國經濟顧問團參觀,1954/9/2、1956/4/10,9禎寫真。

964. 《零散寫真14》1956/12/12、1956/11/27橫貫公路相關,13禎寫真。

965. 《零散寫真15》裕隆汽車廠完工,5禎寫真。

966. 《零散寫真16》電信局接線生,1禎寫真。

967. 《零散寫真17》1955/1/13鐵路相關,1禎寫真。

968. 《零散寫真18》狄卜賽應酬相關,6禎寫真。

969. 《零散寫真19》軍協相關?,5禎寫真。

970. 《零散寫真20》東西線之旅,37禎寫真。

971. 《零散寫真21》1956/2/16工地之旅,7禎寫真。

972. 《零散寫真22》1954/10/6、12油管,2禎寫真。

973. 《零散寫真23》1956/7/7石門水庫破土,5禎寫真。

974. 《零散寫真24》1951/10/5 ECA官員視察,54禎寫真。

975. 《零散寫真25》1956/2/28工地之旅,14禎寫真。

976. 《零散寫真26》1956/7/19、26工地之旅,5禎寫真。

977. 《零散寫真27》1955/10/8、10/29、11/25工地之旅,19禎寫真。

978. 《零散寫真28》1956/4/10硬紙板廠,4禎寫真。

979. 《零散寫真29》1954/3/16、1955/1/12KASW之旅(牛車),11禎寫真。

980. 《零散寫真30》1956/8/22、1956/9/27工地之旅,5禎寫真。

981. 《零散寫真31》1955/10/29台電工地之旅,8禎寫真。

982. 《零散寫真32》吳國楨影像,5禎寫真。

983. 《零散寫真33》1955/12/7工地之旅,4禎寫真。

984. 《零散寫真34》1957/7/12工地之旅,6禎寫真。

985. 《零散寫真35》港灣、碼頭、船相關,21禎寫真。

986. 《零散寫真36》狄卜賽寫真,14禎寫真。

987. 《零散寫真37》1954/6/29等雜寫真,15禎寫真。

988. 《零散寫真38》機場工廠,19禎寫真。

989. 《零散寫真39》工廠,15禎寫真。

990. 《零散寫真40》強力漂粉、Dr. Moyer,29禎寫真。

991. 《零散寫真41》雷蒙樁、輕便車、挑夫,14禎寫真。

992. 《零散寫真42》立霧、雜,9禎寫真。

993. 《零散寫真43》1956/3/19東西橫貫公路之旅,57禎寫真。



dB 994 Procession Opening in Taipei, Coal Fired, Electric Plant in Kaosung, Silo Bridge (18cm in diameter)

dB 995 Cross Island, Taroko Gorge 2 or 3 trips put together(18cm in diameter)

dB 996 Double Ten Procession, Ami Village Trip, Carving Temple Renovation (Location?) Bunun, School (Aug 1954) (18cm in diameter)

dB 997 Farewell Trip with Gen.Chang Ching Kuo across island to see the VACER progress on cross island road. Toroko Gorge 1957 (18cm in diameter)

dB 998 October 1954 Cross Island Highway, Boy Scouts March 1955 (18cm in diameter)

dB 999 Tungmon 1954, Kor Dist. Rice 1956 Jan., Sugar+Brich 1954, VACRS 1953, Sh’1956, KASW-TF Co Feb. 1956, ‘. (18cm in diameter)

dB 1000 Second Cross Island Trip, Paiwan Village and Cutting away through jungle

to East side (18 cm. in diameter)

dB 1001 Our Piawan Village Ceremonial Costume(18cm in diameter)

dB 1002 Starts at Taipower Guest House, Land Slide on cross island road, Longest Suspension bridge, U.S.A Boyscouts in Taiwan—Explorer Scouts cross Island (aluminum case) (18cm in diameter)

dB 1003 Orchid Island and YAMI Tribe, Mr. & Mrs. Brent/XDirector of AID. Gen. Chiang

Ching Kuo & wife, Ceremonial Helmet made out of silver coins captured from

Japanese, Green Island where Prisoner of War camp from mainland China &

political prisoners (aluminum case) (18 cm. in diameter)

dB 1004This film was taken by my father, Mr. Ernest Stanton. Mrs. Phyllis Bolton, wife

of Bernard Bolton, head of Jardine Matheson Co. is also in this film. It contains

film of Taipei and more of walks across the country.(The biggest. 36cm in diameter aluminum case)

<以下是2004年11月20~28日再度訪問狄卜賽經理所收集的資料 >《》

1005 W. R. Bendy《Proposed Chia Hsin Cement Plant》1955/1/14, 18p.

1006. Tainan District Agricultural Improvement Station《A Brief Account of the Tainan District Agricultural Improvement Station》1956/7, 7p.

1007. Horace Bristol 《Formosa—A report in Pictures》1954/7, 73p.(造神運動的影像)

1008. 《Exchange Rate Structure》to Dr. G.E. Warren 1957/1/22, 6p.相片檔

1009. 《Eficaz ayuda a Praises Subdesarrollados》美援之後影像, 42p.

1010. 《Tatung 1964 Annual Report》30p.

1011. 《The Grand Hotel》寫真1,名片57張

1012. 《寫真夾》寫真大16(21.3×28), 寫真11(11.3×15.8),底片7.

1013. 《Romance of Success J.G. White》New York Herald 1908/8/30

1014. G. K. Parsons to Martin Wong《Letter》cc dBeausset 1951/9/9

1015. USC《Factors Limiting U.S. Investment Abroad》1954/6, 59p.

1016. Raymond F. Mikesell《Promoting United States Private Investment Abroad》87p.

1017. 《Port of Kaohsiung》1967/5, 32p.

1018. Lewis C. McCarty, Jr.《Helicopter Project》1965/10, 22p.

1019. 《Free China is alive and well》The New York Times 1972/10/8,40p.

1020. 《Tatung》DM

1021. 《The U.S.A.-Japan Letter》1989/9,16p.

1022. 《The U.S.A.-Japan Letter》1989/10,16p.
1023. ‘Used tools star in new roles’ Business Week1964/3/21, p58~60.

1024. 《Bi-Monthly Economic Review》1955/11~12,25p.

1025. 《民航公司月刊》蘭嶼豐年祭1964/7~8,2p.

1026. 《Highlights of Taiwan Power System》1962/2, 4p.

1027. 《Letter》H.C. Hsu ( Taiwan Fertilizer Co.) to Val, 1961/9/19, 1p.

1028. 《新生製蔴股份有限公司》(Proposal for Construction of a Steel Plant)N.M. Lin to Val, 1960/1/12, 19p.

1029. 《Letter》K.Y. Yin ( CUSA) to Val, 1959/10/6, 1p.

1030. 《Letter》K.T. Li ( CUSA) to Val, 1960/5/23, 1p.

1031. 《Letter》K.T. Li ( CUSA) to Val, 1959/2/28, 2p.

1032. 《Letter》Fred to Connie & Val, 1960/1/22, 1p.

1033. 《Letter》Fred (Kaohsiung Ammonium Sulfate Corporation) to Connie & Val, 1959/9/22, 1p.

1034. 《Letter》Lee Yuan Development to Val, 1953/12/20, 2p.

1035. 《Letter》Taiwan Alkali Co. Chao-yu Cheng to Val, 1960???, 1p.

1036. Val’s manuscrips JBD 1952/12,3p.

1037. 《Letter》T.S. Lin(Tatung Engineering Co.) to Val, 1960/9/15, 1p.

1038. 《Letter》P.Y. Hsu(Goodwill and Economic Mission) to Connie, 1964/11/7, 1p.

1039. 《Letter》Val to J.H. Moore, 19???, 1p.

1040. 《Letter》William Wei to Val, 1967/5/20, 1p.

1041. 與Mr. V.S. de Beausset 座談會(開會通知特急件)Val第一次返台1967/8/12

1042. 《Letter》K.T. Li ( CUSA) to Val, 1962/4/9, 2p.

1043. 《Letter》T.S. Lin(Tatung Engineering Co.) to Val, 1958/7/7, 2p.

1044. 《Confidential Letter》Fred C. Wong(Kaohsiung Ammonium Sulfate Corporation) to Connie & Val, 1959/2/24, 3p.

1045. 《Letter》S.W. Chen (Hsinchu Window Glass Works) to Val, 1958/4/7, 1p.

1046. 《Letter》Y.C. Yang ( Taiwan Fertilizer Co.) to Val, 1962/5/29, 1p.

1047. 《Letter》Joseph H. Moore to Val, 1967/2/15, 1p.

1048. 《Letter》Joseph H. Moore (CIECD Engineering Consulting Group) 返台建議行程含電報 to Val, 1967/7/10, 7p.

1049. 「One item within the group increased in 1951」S.L. Buffington,broken materials, p5~12,Cotton and Cotton Products Imported 1951

1050. 《Letter》to C.C. Shao, broken materials, 1955/11/22, 1p.

1051. 「FTO’s Balance of Payments’ Projections」P.A. Lewis to Jones, Official Use Only, 1956/7/24, 4p.

1052. 「Some of the Organic Chemical Industries to be developed in Taiwan」沒有日期,共2p.

1053. 「Industrial Development Plan 1954-57—Chemical」Draft, 1955/5/16, 6p.

1054. 「Project Report Information」 R.C. Smith to Bruce Buchanan, 1958/4/9, 4p.

1055. 《Letter》Bruce Buchanan to R.C. Smith, 1958/3/5, 1p.

1056. 《Letter》Cheng Mo Sun to de Beausset (Taiwan Engineering Service Co.) , 1967/8/8, 2p.

1057. 「Re Comments on 『Projection of the 1957-60 Industrial Program』and 『A First Estimation of the Souce of Capital for the Implementation of the 1957-60 Industrial Program』」1956/2/25, 2p.

1058. 「Approved U.S. Dollar and Counterpart Fund Aid Projects」FY 1957, 3p.

1059. 「Summary of Projects」(回國前報告)de Beausset to General Kiang(江)1957/8/9, 25p.

1060. 「Value Relatives of Estimates Taiwan National Product, at Market Prices 1950-1954」Table 3 & Table 5

1061. 《Letter》C.M. Adams( Caterpilar Tractor Co.) to de Beausset, 1957/6/18, 1p.

以下存放在After leaving Taiwan 資料夾(dB1062~dB1086)

1062. 《Letter》Bruce Buchanan to K.T. Li, 1960/2/8, 1p.

1063. 《Letter》W.H. Fei to R.C. Smith, 1959/9/22, 1p. & K.T. Li to R.C. Smith, 1959/9/23, 1p. & K.T. Li to R.C. Smith, 1959/10/9, 1p. Paul J. Glassen to whom it may concern, 1959/12/31, 1p.

1064. 《Letter》Richard C. Morse to Val (de Beausset), 1960/2/18. 2p.

1065. 《Letter》Wm. E.Almy to Val (de Beausset), 1960/3/18. 2p.

1066. 《Letter》Joe Moore to Val (de Beausset), 1960/12/20. 2p.

1067. 《Letter》Val (de Beausset) to Fred, 1958/11/27. 4p.

1068. 《Letter》Richard C. Morse to Val (de Beausset), 1958/12/13. 2p.

1069. 《Letter》??? to Val (de Beausset), 1957/11/20. 2p.

1070. 《Letter》C. C. Yang to Val (de Beausset), 1959/10/26. 1p. & K.T. Li to R.C. Smith, 1959/10/23, 2p.

1071. 《Letter》C. C. Yang to Val (de Beausset), 1958/5/17. 2p.

1072. 《Letter》Richard C. Morse to Val (de Beausset), 1959/3/7. 4p.

1073. 《Letter》C. C. Yang to Val (de Beausset), 1958/2/18. 2p. & C. C. Yang to R.C. Smith, 1958/2/14, 2p.

1074. 漓江飯店(報紙及名片2)

1075. C. C. Yang to whom it may concern, 6p. 《Letter》W.B. Scott & N. Abu-Nassar (台灣飛歌) to C. C. Yang, T.J. Tsevdos (RCA) to C. C. Yang, K.D. Lawson (RCA) to C. C. Yang.

1076. T.S. Tsiang (行政院農業委員會) to Val (de Beausset), 1986/10/29.1p.

1077. 《Letter》Joe Moore to Val (de Beausset), 1986/11/18. 2p.

1078. 《Letter》Y.S. Sun to Val (de Beausset), 1987/5/17. 1p.

1079. 《Letter》Hui Huang (PECL泰興) to Val (de Beausset), 1986/10/15. 1p.

1080. 《Letter》Val (de Beausset) to Hui Huang (PECL), 1987/4/13. 1p.

1081. 《Letter》Ray S. Cline (US Grobal Strategy Council) to Val (de Beausset), 1990/9/18. 1p.

1082. 《Letter》H.T. Wung to Val (de Beausset), 1988/8/17. 14p.

1083. 《Letter》Monxovia to Val (de Beausset), 1963/5/5. 4p.

1084. 《Letter》Les. Lloyd to Val (de Beausset), 1958/2/23. 2p.

1085. Commens on 1955 Time Distribution Sheets Taiwan Field Office (Draft) 1959/3/25, 4p.

1086. Marjorie H. Martin, Dear Midge 1984/2/6, 5p.

1087. Progress of Work of Industrial Development Commision During the Period January 1955—December 1955 (Subject Discussed at IDC Meeting) 49p.

1088. 《Bi-Monthly Economic Review》No.47,Sep.-Oct. 1955, 19 pages.

1089. 《Bi-Monthly Economic Review》No.52,July-August 1956, 22 pages.

1090. 《Letter》Walter Carr to S.H. Manian, 1956/12/19. 5p.

1091. The Nankong Fertilizer Plant Project, 1954/12/20, 4p.

1092. Urea Plant Project, Walter Carr to Val, 1956/7/25, 2p.

1093. Taiwan Fertilizer Company, Ltd. Fertilizer Plant No.6 Project No.84-23-046 (c), Walter Carr to Val, 1956/7/30, 3p.

1094. Nankong Fertilizer Plant Project, E.T. Layng (Hydrocarbon Research, Inc.) to Chi-teh Ling, cc: 10 persons, 1956/5/15, 5p.

1095. E.T. Layng (Hydrocarbon Research, Inc.) to Chi-teh Ling, cc: 2 persons, 1956/4/23, 2p.

1096. E.A. Kelly (Hydrocarbon Research, Inc.) to Chi-teh Ling, Job No. 104, Estimated Plant Costs, 1956/7/25, 3p.

1097. Curtis C. Balding (Hydrocarbon Research, Inc.) to Chi-teh Ling, Job No. 104-30, Vendors’ Specialists for Nankong Fertilizer Plant, 1956/4/24, 2p.

1098. E.D. Miller (Hydrocarbon Research, Inc.) to Chi-teh Ling, Job No. 104, 1956/7/27, 4p.

1099. Montecatini Talks About Spencer Urea Plant, Chemical Engineering, 1959/01/26, p45~46.

1100. S. H. Manian (International Cooperation Administration) to Bruce Buchanan (J. G. White Engineering Co.), Nankong Fertilizer Plant Project, 1956/12/5, 3p.

1101. de Beausset’s manuscrip, Invenction for Record, 1952/12/5, 1p.

1102. de Beausset’s manuscrip, 1953/1/3, 2p.

1103. de Beausset’s manuscrip, 1953/1/4, 1p.

1104. 《Letter》S. Y. Liu to Val (de Beausset), 1957/11/1. 3p.

1105. Manager-Division 1957/11/23, 2p.

1106. Economic and Technical Cooperation Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Union of Burma. P81~85. Exchange of notes Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of India. 1950/9/29, P86~88. Letter of Intent from the Government of Vietnam Pending Execution of an Agreement on Economic Assistance. 1950/10/28. 1p. Economic and Technical Cooperation Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. P90~94.

1107. R.S.V.P. 1957/3/19, 1p.

1108. The Literature of Freedom; A Free Market, p23~33.

1109. B. Bytell to V.S. de Beausset, Subject: Engineering Consulting Services Performed by White Engineering, 1956/4/12, 2p.

1110. 《Letter》Td to V.S. de Beausset, 1957/5/21, 1p.

1111. 《Letter》B. Bytell to V.S. de Beausset, 1957/4/22, 2p.

1112. 《Lette》Dudley F. Phelps (J.G. White’s President ) to V.S. de Beausset, 1957/8/8, 1p.

1113. 《Letter》Henry P. Finlay to V.S. de Beausset, 1956/10/1, 3p.

1114. 《Letter》V.S. de Beausset to Walter Carr (J.G. White’s Vice President ), 1957/3/15, 1p.

1115. 《Letter》E.N. Chilson to V.S. de Beausset (含員工的獎金明細表), 1955/12/15, 4p.

1116. 《Letter》E.N. Chilson to V.S. de Beausset, 1956/12/14, 1p.

1117. 《Letter》B. Bytell to V.S. de Beausset, 1956/12/3, 1p.

1118. 《Letter》James B. Pilcher (The Foreign Service) to V.S. de Beausset, 1957/2/11, 1p.

1119. 《Letter》 Sieh Fung Tsiang to V.S. de Beausset, 1956/1/15, 2p.

1120. 《Letter》W.W. Clarke to V.S. de Beausset, 1956/8/29, 3p.

1121. 《Letter》Walter Carr to V.S. de Beausset, V.S. de Beausset to Walter Carr, 1956/7/12, 2p.

1122. 《Letter》??? to Harry, 1956/8/7, 1p.

1123. 《Letter》V.S. de Beausset to Dudley F. Phelps, 1957/8/2, 4p.

1124. 《Letter》Walter Carr to V.S. de Beausset, 1957/6/17, 1p.

1125. 《Letter》Henry P. Finlay to V.S. de Beausset, 1957/5/31, 1p.

1126. 《Letter》E.N. Chilson to V.S. de Beausset, 1957/5/24, 1p.

1127. 《Letter》V.S. de Beausset to E.N. Stanton, 1957/5/4, 1p.

1128. 《Letter》E.C. Martin to V.S. de Beausset, 1952/9/11, 2p.

1129. 《Letter》Walter Carr to V.S. de Beausset, 1955/3/31, 1p.

1130. 《Letter》Walter Carr to V.S. de Beausset, 1957/3/6, 1p.

1131. 台灣土地利用與森林資格圖:1.鵝鑾鼻、2.高雄市、3.台南市、4.花蓮縣、5.台中市、6.台北市。1954~1955年調查。

1132. Taiwan (Formosa) Road Map. Prepared by the Army Map Service(AM), Corps of Enginers, U.S. Army, Washinton, D.C. 1950.

1133. Nick Cullather (Indiana University). The J.G. White Engineering Corporation and the Industrialization of Taiwan, 1948~1962, which he had presented at the international conference on ‘Taiwan on the Move’ at National Central University, Chungli, Taiwan, April 8-9,1996.

1134. 橫貫公路紀念郵票冊1960

1135. H. T. Liu to V. S. de Beausset 郵寄封無信件, 1959/7/15 (16張郵票)

1136. China Handbook (1953-54) Shen Chang-huan (signed) to V. S. de Veausset, 1953/12/30, 627p.

1137. I.de Beauclair (Academia Sinica) to Mrs. C. de Beausset, 1959/7/20, aerogramme.

1138. 2007年2月26日康妮寄航空信件給我,有一段內容如下:「Yesterday Denise and I opened a small cabinet, or closet, of shelves in the room where the telephone is and the downstaire batherroom– just next to the kitchen. No one has opened this cabinet for about 35 or 40 years. I thought it was empty. Oh! Pin-Yen, how I wish I had looked into it when you were here visiting us! We founded phot ablums and magazines and all kinds of papers about the years we were in Taiwan. If only I had found them years ago we would have gaven them to uoy with all the oyher documents. I am going to send them to you now air cargo and you can look at them and decide if any are of interest and use to you or to the National Taiwan University Library for their special V. S. de Beausset Collection exhibit. I think the library might be interested in the photo albums.」但我一直在等待這批資料的寄達,沒有消息。

68 回應 針對 “狄卜賽文書編目”

  1. 陳凱劭 寫道:




  2. 林炳炎 寫道:


  3. 陳凱劭 寫道:


    北投虹燁工作室 解讀
    5:28 街弄右邊有「北投」招牌,此景為舊北投中正街,後面的山為丹鳳山。

    5:40 舊北投市場清江路一帶。

    6:00 舊北投火車站前光明路,北投鎮公所往新北投公園一帶。

    7:00 北投鎮公所旁中央南路(舊名牛車路),

    7:12 開往淡水的「淡水-台北」台灣省公路局巴士。

    8:12 唭哩岸(今東華街二段),後為唭哩岸山(軍艦岩也在此)。

    8:30 舊北投市場,清江路與新市街一帶。

    9:37 因建物很陌生,故無法辨別是否在北投辦的喪事。

    11:06 陽明山後山公園。
    11:23 小女孩走過的鳥居,今仍在公園內,但小神社已不在。

    12:55 烏來台車。

    14:50 大磺嘴採煉硫磺(今硫磺谷,有一說郁永河就是在此採磺,於唭哩岸煉磺,由八仙圳走淡水河經淡水港運唐山福州)。

    16:30 古厝及山貌無法辨別是否在北投。(查過台北林安泰古宅、蘆洲李宅、板橋林本源宅,都不像)

    17:54 北投農夫種稻(山的形貌有點像大屯山,不知是否嗄嘮別今關渡平原復興崗一帶?)

    18:00 台灣郵政訓練所登山路一帶,狄卜賽宿舍也在這區域。面西南方取景,遠左為觀音山,右為大屯山。

    18:30 台灣郵政訓練所登山路一帶,面東北方取景,中為紗帽山。



  4. 林炳炎 寫道:

    感謝燁兄的解說,其中「18:30 台灣郵政訓練所登山路一帶,面東北方取景,中為紗帽山。」,那一張寫真是狄卜賽家的最愛,因他們住泉源路55號之後面就可以看到此景,也請台灣人畫家畫此景,目前掛在底特律大島狄卜賽家.康妮似乎也與影像中那戶人家有密切來往.

    「9:37 因建物很陌生,故無法辨別是否在北投辦的喪事。」「12:55 烏來台車。」「16:30 古厝及山貌無法辨別是否在北投。」看影片的拍攝先後似乎都是在北投附近(含草山).

  5. 燁子 寫道:

    17:54圖 農夫種稻(山的形貌有點像大屯山,不知是否嗄嘮別今關渡平原復興崗一帶?)
    18:00圖 台灣郵政訓練所…

    12:55 友人認出是烏來,北投未曾有台車。



  6. 林炳炎 寫道:


    這珍貴影片應該感謝台灣人辛苦工作努力納稅,才有錢轉成DVD,台灣大學用珍貴的納稅錢來製作,但在影片上漆字,這正像沒有水準的遊客每到一地方就寫XXX到此一遊,觀眾應該知道這行為與 很類似!!本來應該感謝台電大樓對面的大學,因這就吞下去.還有此影片屬於台灣人全體人民的資產,任何人或單位都不該據為己有,因為是台灣人辛苦工作努力納稅的錢作的.

  7. 陳凱劭 寫道:






    當年,狄瑞德(Reed Dillingham)是來東海大學任教的美籍教授;華昌琳是東海大學建築系第一回生後留美,與洋夫婿歸來東海任教,是台大城鄉所華昌宜教授(成大建築系1956年畢,東海建築系第一任助教)的妹妹。此書出版是美國亞洲協會寄付。


  8. 林炳炎 寫道:

    凱劭真厲害, 能把這棟名宅找出來, 有名字與背景對大家而言才能體認到歷史變遷, 我們很多珍貴的東西都消失, 透過這DVD我們才能去追尋過去的影像, 懷念過去曾經有的文物, 也才能珍惜台灣.

  9. 林炳炎 寫道:

    昨天下午4點左右,長官與各課長開會,有人推薦這個節目要由我來接,因為是經濟部的公文,長官的意志當然是要接下來,當場有人報怨接太多工作,已經負擔太多受不了。我想到這是一個讓狄卜賽文書曝光的機會,就接下。現在的問題是propose如何才能通過層層疊疊的關卡出線?題目是在「百件經濟重要檔案彙編暨展覽活動」下去展覽『美援與台灣電力—狄卜賽文書(V.S. de Beausset’s Collection)』。此次,會選1.美國副國務卿魯斯克視察南部火力發電所;2. 東西電力系統聯絡線工程竣工典禮;3. 美國ECA官員視察台灣電力;4. 美國經濟顧問團視察台灣電力5. 美國經濟顧問團視察台灣電力南部火力發電所。

    【版主20110420註】「百件經濟重要檔案彙編暨展覽活動」下去展覽『美援與台灣電力—狄卜賽文書(V.S. de Beausset’s Collection)』。這個夢想當然破滅,狄卜賽是禁忌,一直到2010年美國在台協會的美國人在台灣的足跡特展才突破禁忌。

  10. 林炳炎 寫道:

    美援與台電–狄卜賽文書(V.S. de Beausset’s Collection)


    為研究飛灰混凝土的最早使用情形,在台灣作歷史研究的北波道子博士給我一條線索,是懷特公司之狄卜賽經理。2001/11/14搭乘西北航空飛往底特律,拜訪狄卜賽夫婦。前後共去3次,取回書面檔案重1000磅,相片數百張,狄卜賽經理拍攝的彩色影帶11捲。整個資料稱為狄卜賽文書(V.S. de Beausset’s Collection),狄卜賽文書目錄已置於網路上:http://pylin.kaishao.idv.tw/?p=4

    美援檔案內容有Industrial Program、電力、鐵路、公路、道路、洪水、運輸、電話、收音機、End-use、雜項、負載卸載設備、基隆港、高雄港、花蓮港、蘇澳港、台東港、硫酸廠、KSC、炸藥廠、KASW-COHU Cooperation、化工、Liang-Yu case、台灣農化、電池、PVC、東南化工、林務局、台肥、台紙、石棉、石油、台灣鋼鐵、唐榮、台灣機械、電力機械製造、造船、台糖、台鹽、台金銅、水泥、台碱、台灣工礦、礦業、煤、Monazite獨居石、Pyrite Sulphur硫化鐵、Zirconium鋯、地質調查所、台鋁、木材合成(楊子)、紡織、玻璃、輪胎、食品製造、水瓦斯、台灣農林發展公司、漁業、麵粉、民航局、郵局、印刷、石門水庫、手工藝。



    根據1958/7/15中央日報工商版有「執行工建計畫 美援會與懷特公司續訂2年聘用合約」,新聞指出:「美援會現聘用美國懷特公司合約將於本年7月底屆滿,該會認為該公司過去工作成績頗佳,而我國在推行工業建設計畫方面,仍需其工程專家的顧問協助,乃續訂上項為期二年的聘用合約」「該項合約係於1948/10/14在上海(依Contract #842058係在Washington D.C.)簽訂生效者,嗣後屢經續約,俾使該公司續以顧問地位協助政府,近年來我們工業建設及一般經濟發展突飛猛進,是以該公司台灣分公司之組織及業務亦隨之大事擴充,目前懷特公司工程師以工程顧問身份協助我方審核、監督並推行各項計畫達194項之多,上述計畫就其活動範圍而言,涉及電力、一般製造業、化學工業、肥料、造紙、修建港口、漁業、採礦、教育、公共衛生、電訊、鐵路、公路、伐木及鋼鐵等工業,每月間該公司美籍技術專家親赴工地指導監督各項計畫工程之進行,平均在150次以上」「懷特公司在美國具有悠久的歷史,業務活動擴及全世界,目前在台灣分公司服務的美籍工程專家,共有30人,本地職員61人。該公司需在美進行的工作,則由其紐約總公司負責」「此項合約的一切費用,係在美援項下支付,該公司的業務活動,係與安全分署密切配合」。



    1966年讀者文摘有一篇文章「Formosa: Asia’s Heartening Success Story」宣告台灣是亞洲最新的經濟奇蹟(Asia’s newest economic miracle)從美援畢業。

    5. 經濟顧問團視察台灣電力南部火力發電所。
    6. 退輔會主委蔣經國與狄卜賽經理夫婦。


  11. 陳凱劭 寫道:











  12. 林炳炎 寫道:

    1952創立的公司, 不可能沒有美援, 特別是王民寧的身份!!它應該屬於化學工業類.也是總督恩賜的公司!!!!

    有一個台灣人作家, 埔里出生,巫永福先生是這家公司的職員, 我一直對他為何在這公司迷惑!!!

  13. 林炳炎 寫道:



    2.東西電力系統聯絡線工程竣工典禮(詳本Blog: http://pylin.kaishao.idv.tw/?p=235 );



    5. 經濟顧問團視察台灣電力南部火力發電所;

    6. 退輔會主委蔣經國與狄卜賽經理夫婦。

  14. 林炳炎 寫道:

    凱劭已經幫我把5張寫真貼出來, 這樣就可以發EMAIL給麗泰, 讓她們家知道, 在台灣還是繼續有人努力要幫她們父母發聲, 而非台大所能阻礙的.

  15. 陳凱劭 寫道:

    Kuo Hsueh-hu (1908- ) Exhibition, Taipei, 2008

    台北市南海學園 國立歷史博物館

    郭雪湖:圓山附近 — 第二回台展特選;絹/膠彩,昭和2年(1927)

    郭雪湖與陳慧坤、廖德政是台灣僅存健在的最後幾位日本時代就出道的老畫家。郭雪湖先生今年已百歲大壽,晚年定居美國。詳細介紹可參考: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/singlebag&article_id=25927289

  16. 楊燁 寫道:

    林前輩您好,有要事與您商量,請回我mail([email protected])或電話0933082661,謝謝麻煩您。

  17. masako 寫道:

    感嘆晚生後知後覺,現在才看到這麼多珍貴的照片!Thanks to Sir, Mr. V.S. de Beausset.

    P.S. 台灣大學圖書館編審洪淑芬女士真夠皮條,到現在連個禮貌上回函都沒有。到底洪女士大人何時才要
    履行她的諾言:答應送您一份2005年已製作好的V.S.Vde Beausset資料文獻電子化copy版?!
    還有NTU圖書館臉皮真厚:畫面上NTU Library字眼有「喧賓奪主」,很諷刺又刺眼!

  18. 林炳炎 寫道:


  19. 小孫 寫道:


  20. 林炳炎 寫道:


    查詢詞: 台灣工程公司、 查詢 5 個資料庫;查詢結果共9筆 目前擷取9筆 整合查詢初始中,請稍待…. 抓取筆數:102050 [所有資料庫已中斷查詢!] 系統處理中…


    檔案資訊 檔案名稱 db09_07_002_07
    主要題名 Letter from Chen Cheng and Tan Hsiang to Mr and Mrs. de Beausset
    作者(身份職稱) 關係人 Mr. and Mrs. de Beausset ; Chen, Cheng(陳誠) and Tan, Hsiang(譚祥)
    內容主題(中文) 個人家庭–收入信件 內容主題(英文) Family–Received letter 關鍵詞(中文) 關鍵詞(英文)
    摘要(中文) 陳誠和譚祥寫給狄寶賽夫婦之問候信
    摘要(英文) This is the letter from Chen, Cheng and Tan, Hsiang to Mr. and Mrs. de Beausset
    相關地點 相關機構 懷特工程公司 日期 1953-03-12 出版者 數量單位 2 pages
    資料類型(中文) 私人書信 資料類型(英文) letter 語文 English;Chinese 全集/系列名稱 狄寶賽文庫 典藏單位國家 中華民國・臺灣 典藏單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館 著作財產權人 國立臺灣大學圖書館 備註 1/1 圖檔資訊

    本筆資料因智慧財產因素, 不提供影像!!
    如需閱覽室全文, 請親洽台大圖書館

  21. 林炳炎 寫道:

    檔案名稱 db08_05_001_20 主要題名 Taiwan Power Company
    作者(身份職稱) 關係人 Mr. and Mrs. de Beausset 內容主題(中文) 個人家庭–收入信件 內容主題(英文) Family–Received letter 關鍵詞(中文) 雞尾酒會 關鍵詞(英文) Cocktail party

    摘要(中文) 臺灣電力公司因不能出席狄寶賽夫婦的餞別酒會所寫的一封信 摘要(英文) This is a letter from Taiwan Power Company to Mr. and Mrs. de Beausset for not being able to present at their farewell cocktail party. 相關地點 相關機構 Taiwan Power Company 日期 1957-08-06 出版者 數量單位 1 page 資料類型(中文) 私人書信 資料類型(英文) Private letter 語文 English 全集/系列名稱 狄寶賽文庫 典藏單位國家 中華民國・臺灣 典藏單位 國立臺灣大學圖書館 著作財產權人 國立臺灣大學圖書館

  22. 林炳炎 寫道:

    用「Iron and Steel」在檔案資源整合查詢平台 ,也就是說dB 869. 《Iron and Steel—Hainan Ore》Apr.18,1950,2p.

    1.Narrative Industrial Program Progress Report
    2.Narrative Industrial Program Progress Report—Base Book Vol. I
    3.General Report–VI
    摘要(英文) This is an industrial program progress report on: 01. Land and water resources 02. Forestry 03. Fisheries 04. Mining and minerals- coal, minerals, non-metallic minerals, petroleum. 05. Power and communication- hydro power generation, thermal power generation, transmission and distribution, telecommunication. 06. Manufacturing and processing- ceramic industry, chemical industry, fertilizer industry, food processing, lumber and wood products, metals and metal fabricating, petroleum refining, pulp and paper industry, sugar industry, textile and leather industry. 07. Service industries 08. Engineering and construction 09. Industrial management 10. Industrial training 11. All other industry and mining 12. Highways 13. Railways 14. Port facilities and harbor improvement 15. Ship operation 16. Air transport 17. All other transportation- shipbuilding and repairing 18. All other general and miscellaneous
    相關地點 Taiwan
    相關機構 United States Foreign Operations Administration Mutual Security Mission to China
    日期 1957-03-31
    出版者 United States Foreign Operations Administration Mutual Security Mission to China
    數量單位 287 pages
    資料類型(中文) 報告書
    資料類型(英文) Report
    語文 English


  23. 林炳炎 寫道:

    「狄卜賽文書」。藏在||| 臺灣大學深化臺灣研究核心典藏數位化計畫

  24. 紅豆湯圓 寫道:



  25. 北投埔 寫道:





  26. 吳小虹 寫道:

    林兄 我是研究古鐵路的 曾在台灣分館跟您有過甚多互動 並蒙您惠贈電氣鐵道照片一張 未知您還有印象與否
    狄卜賽文書您引進既辛苦又召氣 的確很可惜 但站在發掘及保存史料的角度去看 無論如何仍然算是正向評價 故特表敬意並請務必寬心 且絕不放棄在各方面的努力
    弟 自幼成長於北投 向極關注北投之相關資料及史蹟 故極有興趣看看這一片DVD 望林兄查告有無親睹之可能 敬祝 夏安
    弟 吳小虹 敬筆

  27. 北投埔 寫道:

    發email給我!!在首頁!!但不要只你一個人看, 15人以上找到地點, 我可以去放給大家看!!還要有3槍!
    越多人看, 越好!!(應該要收費, 每人50000不會太少吧!!哈哈)

  28. 吳小虹 寫道:

    …還要有3槍! 這個不懂???
    每人五萬不貴 記台大圖書館的帳 反正他們一向也不幹啥事 我查考資料都是上海圖書館的縮印本 台大的藏品放在那而發霉 跟可敬的台商比起來 就倆字–見笑

  29. 北投埔 寫道:


    就是投影機, 不然大家擠在一起, 太辛苦!!


  30. 吳小虹 寫道:

    謝謝 等準備放映時再通知一下 我向來是以一當百來整的 這次十五可就難倒了 哈哈

  31. scl 寫道:


  32. Anonymous 寫道:


  33. 吳小虹 寫道:

    林兄 這幾張北投的老寫真 我兩個月以來盡量利用機會考證 已初步有了些收穫 而原來的圖說錯誤甚多 曾上楊某人的blog提些建議 非僅遭致無情的謾罵 即便是費心提出證據 且他已承認錯誤的兩張 亦未通知您作出更正 覺得 林兄所託非人 可惜呀
    待 弟將所有古今對照照片完成之後 將專函惠送 林兄參考
    專此 敬頌 秋祺

  34. 北投埔 寫道:

    吳小虹兄非常感謝你的努力!!我最近已經交卷, 心情會比較輕鬆!!所以那天我們就來個1950影片解讀會, 希望朋友踴躍參加!!如果你那邊沒有3槍投影機, 或大銀幕那我們就找個有的地方聚會!!但日期要下星期以後!!

  35. 北投埔 寫道:


  36. 吳小虹 寫道:

    OK! 那麼 原則上本周五我把對照圖全部完工 下周您定個時間 我請好友前海關博物館葉館長倫會兄號召一下 場面應該沒什麼問題 待會兒請他老人家進來逛一逛
    先謝啦! 林兄

  37. 吳小虹 寫道:

    也通知了喬大文教基金會(北投)張聿文執行長 他建議在溫泉博物館(館內館外都可以)播放較有意義 人也會多些-搞不好破百 哈哈

  38. 北投埔 寫道:


  39. 吳小虹 寫道:

    林兄 請聯絡我的Email [email protected] 告知我的手機
    我明天午餐後開車跑一趟 您可能一塊來嗎? 新店出發 您結束後捷運返回

  40. 北投埔 寫道:


    不行, 明天那時間是我的final report!!!
    15.00開始的final report

  41. 吳小虹 寫道:

    林兄 本周六下午兩點似乎合適 聿文兄剛由大陸返回 但已與北投的兩處都不錯的場所洽談之中 敲定後他會直接在這兒發文
    周五周六兩度作對照地點探索 收獲不少 您想走走請電話連絡

  42. 張聿文 寫道:


  43. 北投埔 寫道:

    我也利用這機會公開聲明, 到目前為止, 我沒有再給任何人去copy狄哺賽的影帶!!

    我只會公開放映, 不會再給copy!!

  44. 吳小虹 寫道:

    麻煩聿文兄貼一下詳細地址跟交通情報 據所知溫泉博物館是免費入場 可否帶飲料or寵物呢? 謝謝!

  45. 張聿文 寫道:


  46. 吳小虹 寫道:

    活動圓滿難忘 任務勉力達成 開心的一群人(遭惡犬之吻的區區也如此甚且過之) 感恩!!

  47. scl 寫道:


  48. 林炳炎 寫道:

    已經貼在The J.G. White Engineering Corporation (懷特工程公司)

  49. 北投埔 寫道:





  50. FY Kuo 寫道:

    USAID database,

    In case you have not heard this Development Experience Clearinghouse (database) of USAID.


    1915 Jun 1964Lower Tachien hydroelectric project 請點擊進入看資料

    USAID. Mission to Taiwan Paper請點擊進入看資料

    點選 the project name (Lower Tachien…) go to the link , 在 紀錄項目中 choose” Taiwan” in geographic descriptor. You will find all entries. There are 202 entries related to Taiwan, the earliest is 1951. http://dec.usaid.gov/index.cfm?p=search.getSqlResults&CFID=12872299&CFTOKEN=66190837 請點擊進入查詢資料

    【版主注】網路上FY Kuoさん送來如此重要情報
    讓想做美援的朋友可以坐在家裡查資料,不必前往華盛頓long stay版主專攻
    J. G. WHITE Co. and V.S. de Beausset: 1949~1957
    但才知道這網,還沒有利用此網找到我的最愛V.S. de Beausset

  51. FY Kuo 寫道:

    USAID: http://dec.usaid.gov

    在此USAID’s Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) 資料庫,内有112000檔案可下載。 USAID 公告他們的 網站及 資料庫等可能快全面換新版。 ‘Taiwan’ 是不好找的。 要 用’Thesaurus Search’ ( 同義字搜索) 我大概解釋 一下,(見如下)

    從USAID (http://dec.usaid.gov) 的網站, 在 上方 menu bar ‘Public Affairs’ — 點選 ” Development Experience Cleaninghouse (資料庫)
    從 Development Experience Cleaninghouse 資料庫主頁 “, 在右邊, 選 ‘Thesaurus Search’, 打入 ‘Taiwan’ ,然後點 ‘submit’– 點 ‘add’ 然後 ‘submit’. 臺灣 有關文件有 201 條, 日期 最近的 在前面。 找最早期的文件, 從右上方, 點最後的那一組: 201 ,然後 選”Go” (green button)

    USAID 雖然 解密這些檔案 ,但是有些領域, 關於有些人名及公司名還是屬於保密的範圍 (我個人覺得這是合理的) 已經選2 份早期的文件 (PDF )寄給您。 例1是196頁的1951年經濟合作總署的東南亞援助計畫,包括台灣、菲律賓、印度支那、緬甸、印尼與泰國。例2:是247頁的1962年台灣的報告,非常精彩。

    例1:Formosa around page 25-55

    To download a copy of “Economic Cooperation Administration fiscal year 1951 and proposed fiscal year 1952 programs for Southeast Asia, Philippines and Formosa” (PD-ACC-981) go to the following URL:


    例2: the report of 1962, it was about Taiwan.

    To download a copy of “Country assistance program [CAP], China” (PD-ACC-300) go to the following URL:


    【版主注】網路上FY Kuoさん送來如此重要情報,教大家如何在家查資料,而不必去華盛頓long stay謝謝FY Kuoさん!版主在寫美援那本書是未使用例1資料。美援是把台灣從日本製造改變成美國製造的偉大事業。

  52. Anonymous 寫道:


  53. 林炳炎 寫道:

    《狄卜賽文書》已正式在台大圖書館開放,但別高興,有人研三在補修化學,還不想放。有很多資料以著作權法做為擋箭牌,對不起網路看不到,連小縮影都不行。只能祈禱上帝,讓更多人研三在補修化學。最少有3次幹一魚3吃手法(掃瞄一次, dvd公開一次, 與淡新檔案放在一起一次, 然後公開一次),用人民納稅錢來欺騙想用史料的朋友。上帝阿,天理何在。

  54. Guo 寫道:


    晚輩 Guo敬上

  55. 吳小虹 寫道:

    狄卜賽文書2010北投地區影像探索 By: HH Wu 22/10/2010 新店

    參加人員/訪問方式/時間:張聿文 吳小虹等/汽、機車及徒步/2010 9、10月間多次
    內容:符號表示 (原):原說明 (更):變更後之圖說 (參):參考用途之現況影像
    (對):接近或立於原攝影點 以50mm鏡頭所拍攝之現況影像

    I-1:(原)5:28 街弄右邊有「北投」招牌,此景為舊北投中正街,後面的山為丹鳳山。




  56. 吳小虹 寫道:

    (原):6:00 舊北投火車站前光明路,北投鎮公所往新北投公園一帶。










  57. 吳小虹 寫道:

    (原)7:00 北投鎮公所旁中央南路(舊名牛車路),
    (更): 中央北路一段北投國小前,兩幢木造建築左為北投溫泉,右為北投鎮公所,約為由正西朝正東所攝,背景丹鳳山。


    (原)7:00 北投鎮公所旁中央南路(舊名牛車路),
    (更): 中央北路一段北投國小前,兩幢木造建築左為北投溫泉,右為北投鎮公所,約為由正西朝正東所攝,背景丹鳳山。



  58. 吳小虹 寫道:

    林兄 是否另闢一專文 除避免影響全文以致於過於複雜化外 專文可先列出原始圖片 觀眾容易對比跟理解
    弟 吳小虹

  59. 吳小虹 寫道:

    林兄 最後兩張公路車是第4張照片的 前面接著的兩行是第3張照片的開頭 所以中間漏了很多 請檢查並補充

  60. 北投埔 寫道:

    我看你自己貼文字, 寫真我幫你貼!!這樣才不會誤解!!!

  61. 吳小虹 寫道:

    這兩張是同一個拍點 第三張是7:00牛車 第四張是7:12公路局班車 我週一再跟林兄email討論

  62. 吳小虹 寫道:

    雖然Life有些照片的拍攝年代註記出現問題 但是这一張台北東站還有不少的黃包車來看 日期「1950.1.1」似乎無可置疑
    請注意背景的公路局客車的塗裝 已經改成了上白下藍 這是彩色影片拍攝年份很有用的線索

  63. 吳小虹 寫道:

    7:12 開往……公路局巴士
    又作了一下功課 這一輛Bus是FORD 1948生產(只有1948,1949兩年「嘴巴」是這個造型 擋風玻璃較似1948者)

  64. woodhzrx 寫道:


  65. 台灣第一部彩色記錄片 寫道:

    本星期四在師地理系10樓下午5點要播放1950~1957台灣第一部彩色記錄片, 要向洪老師報名!!

    1. 在台北舉行的遊行、燃煤、高雄的南部火力發電所、西螺大橋(18cm in diameter) dB 994
    2. 橫越台灣島中央山脈太魯閣峽谷2或3趟放在一起(18cm in diameter)。dB 995
    3. 雙十的遊行、阿美族村莊的之旅、寺廟雕刻改造。布農族、學校1945年8月、(18cm in diameter) dB 996
    4. 告別旅遊,跨島蔣經國陪同視察橫貫公路退輔會之進展。太魯閣峽谷1957(18cm in diameter) dB 997
    5. 1954年10月橫貫公路、童子軍1955年3月(18cm in diameter) dB 998
    6. 1954銅門、韓區Kor Dist.?、米 、1956元月、糖+白樺1954,退輔會1953、Sh’1956、高雄硫酸錏KASW-TF Co. 1956年2月。(18cm in diameter) dB 999
    7. 第二次橫越台灣島中央山脈之旅、排灣族村莊及砍樹通過到東部(18 cm. in diameter) dB 1000
    8. 我們的排灣族禮儀服飾(18cm in diameter) dB 1001
    9. 從台電的招待所出發、山坡地滑動在橫越台灣路上(斷崖)、最長的吊橋、美國童子軍在台灣—探險童子軍橫越台灣(aluminum case) (18cm in diameter) dB 1002
    10. 蘭嶼與雅美族(達悟族)、安全分署副署長卜蘭德夫婦及美援主管、蔣經國夫婦、從日本人擄獲紀念頭盔銀幣、其中來自中國大陸戰俘及政治犯在綠島。(aluminum case) (18 cm. in diameter) dB 1003
    11. 這部影片是由我的父親狄卜賽,Mr. Ernest Stanton。怡和有限公司的負責人Phyllis Bolton,妻子菲利斯•博爾頓夫人也是在這部影片中。它包含台北及走過的全國各地。(The biggest. 36cm in diameter aluminum case)dB 1004

  66. Aletthene 寫道:


  67. 楊燁拍的靈安社 寫道:



  68. 楊燁的靈安社寫真 寫道:






  • 太魯閣號․寿工場․後山學堂大眾史學研習營
  • 青野 勝西条市長去參拜銅像
  • 20090222在台灣北社討論白色恐怖與紅色恐怖被China併吞
  • 父親火燒島研究所同學洪維健
  • 從「翻異」看「1945年10月25日台北市公會堂の降伏式」