分類文章: ‘美援’
雲程新書《1949 福爾摩沙》(Formosa, 1949)已於12月25日出版
2013-12-25Policy of the United States Toward Formosa(美國對福爾摩沙政策),來自Foreign Relations of the U.S.《美國外交關係檔案》(簡稱FRUS)1949年的第九冊,收集了1949年一整年與福爾摩沙直接相關的電報及備忘錄,對於台灣當代歷史與地位的研究相當重要,特別是其中的國安會37系列文件(NSC 37)。 (more…)
2013-02-07一個國家是什麼東東,最好的鏡像是該國的學術,有13億人口,號稱有5000年文化,如今搞出這樣精彩的「學術」,真是笑破天下肚皮。歡迎大家來此頁批判版主,條件是言之有依據。 (more…)
Cherish the memory of Mrs. Constance S. de Beausset ( 懷念與追思狄卜賽夫人)
2012-12-26費雯麗(Vivien Leigh)在台灣嗎?不,她是康妮!
When I got Denise letter at Dec. 25, she wrote” Our mother Connie passed away on November 20, 2012 in her bed, in her family home at the age of 92. … My Parents will live on in our hearts. Indira, Lee-Tai, Valerie, Denise and Alexander (Zandy).” This information all seems sad and dark to me. The Connie married with Val in 1944 , and I was born in 1944. I thought that they regard as my parents, and the Val behaviors are as my father .
In Taiwan greats event for Connie who established Tunghai University. She became a first English teacher on the air and teached the gay who need went U.S.A. Her job is a major to instruct them on the job training of English. The couple kept a first very rare full- color lithography record for Taiwan.
The most important things that Constance do is Found the Tunghai University: Mrs. V.S. de Beausset (Connie) was a member of Meeting of the Board of Directors of Tunghai University. Found the Tunghai University has 7 Committee, Connie in Buildings Committee, Equipment and Library Committee and Honorary Secretary. Vice President of US, Nixon went to Tunghai University to give a ground-breaking ceremony, was arrange by Mr. V.S. de Beausset. So, they play an important role in found the Tunghai University.
1951-1952, Connie is the vice president of Taipei International Women’s Club and the next two years are the president of Taipei International Women’s Club.
Mrs. De Beausset wrote Special column “Exploring Taiwan” in《China Post》, the article as : Guanyinshan、Typical Atayal village、From Grass Mountain hiking to Peitou、Saisiyat villages、Ghost villages( near Nan-au)、Jiaobanshan、Shihtoushan、the Bunun…
At the end of November, 2012 I went to the National Chengchi University in Mucha to give a presentation in Department of Aboriginal. My topics is : Mrs. Constance S. de Beausset and Taiwan Aboriginal Nation. The original materials are the 11 volume motion pictures that shot by Mr. V.S. de Beausset, the Consultant manager of the J. G. White Engineer Corporation. Those 11 volume motion pictures are the first color motion pictures that record Taiwan during 1954~1957. Now are the important motion pictures about post-war of Formosa.
I think Mr. & Mrs. V.S. de Beausset will live on in all the Taiwanese’s hearts.
Kindly accept my heartfelt condolence on the passing of your beloved husband. May our load bless her soul in eternal peace and happiness.
本blog原出版於20081007日1503, 於20121226日增加上述並改題名為:Cherish the memory of Mrs. Constance S. de Beausset ( 懷念與追思狄卜賽夫人)
1949/8/7《Detroit Free Press》D版有『島民出發到東方探險』,表示8日康妮與女兒Indira將飛經夏威夷、香港前往台灣與已在亞洲幾個月的狄卜賽團圓。
2012-08-122010年應互助營造集團的邀請,參加《台灣營造業百年史》一書的資料收集工作。由於2006年由清華大學吳泉源教授熱情邀約,要我負責『2007科学季:科技台湾驚嘆号』一個panel「電力․水利」,電力就由版主做,「水利」部分拜託黃智偉兄幫忙,兩人合作愉快。這次是美援時期及以前的台灣營造業史,因此欣然同意,1945年以前部分一樣拜託黃智偉兄幫忙。2010年底,我們兩人合作愉快的結束資料收集工作,就等待此書的出版。但請網友們注意我們兩人皆非作者,文章內容由出版單位負責,不要責備版主。 (more…)
2012-07-1320120524告別式,正常的情況是人的死亡無法預知,但是建築物死亡是可以被告知的,這樣的告別式就很有意味。建築物死亡會引發成為告別式典禮,這是有文化意涵的。 (more…)
2012-06-20顏水龍的陳海沙畫像。 (more…)
飛奔黃鶯OSS 檔案中美軍轟炸日月潭戰跡寫真
去年喜三郎さん送我ㄧ堆電子檔案,一直沒有時間貼出來。喜三郎さん是業餘情報員,對收集台灣史料非常用心,使用他的史料而沒有在網頁上將他的名字寫出,不是我的風格,先謝謝喜三郎さん,還是他同意後再改寫吧。最近有網友一口氣貼出6篇『Striking Jitsugetsu! 日月潭大轟炸!』,為討論起見,就一口氣貼出來。 (more…)
2011-12-30自由時報今天有『江丙坤則說,這如同牧師證婚般,夫妻互道相愛,但有人中間「發生婚變」;所以,有互信基礎最重要。但被問到「誰」搞婚變?江並未回答。』江丙坤幹什麼說這謊言?官癌腫,需請外科醫師開刀。 (more…)
「美國人在台灣的足跡」巡迴展 11月26日起展出,這可能是這系列展覽的休止符。在高雄與台南展出時,沒有與「百年」掛勾,但在介石埔的國家圖書館展出開始,與「百年」掛勾,讓很多台灣人倒盡味口,也讓不想知道美援真相的台灣人,更不想走進展場。版主有見於 『台灣的戰略地位』是台灣保命的最重要之點,所以不厭煩的介紹。 (more…)