本文發表於 2013 年 03 月 10 日 10:11版主在1972~2009年間,在台灣電力從事主管工程施工品質工作,37年間,核一、核二、核三廠施工品質皆看過;在退休前4年,因「核四焊接事件」,成為「核四督導會報」成員之一。這樣的資格應該有資格批判核四施工。 讓我們繼續看下去 »»»»
版主在1972~2009年間,在台灣電力從事主管工程施工品質工作,37年間,核一、核二、核三廠施工品質皆看過;在退休前4年,因「核四焊接事件」,成為「核四督導會報」成員之一。這樣的資格應該有資格批判核四施工。 讓我們繼續看下去 »»»»
蔡英文與台灣國家聯盟總召集人姚嘉文站在遊行隊伍前頭,拍攝位置是從永樂市場出發從民樂街轉入南京西路時,受媒體記者包圍拍攝,版主是少數拍攝者之一。 讓我們繼續看下去 »»»»
一個國家是什麼東東,最好的鏡像是該國的學術,有13億人口,號稱有5000年文化,如今搞出這樣精彩的「學術」,真是笑破天下肚皮。歡迎大家來此頁批判版主,條件是言之有依據。 讓我們繼續看下去 »»»»
70歲的版主有心血管問題,早上看到持續不停的雨及低溫,心想今天的人民火大大遊行可能拿不到許可證前往,下午3點從書房出來,咦,雨似乎停了,天空竟然露出一點笑臉。穿好鞋子,得到唯一長官的許可證出發,3.40上235公車,公賣局前就看到鎮暴部隊、鎮暴刺鐵絲網及活動鐵圍籬,在北一女站無法左轉,活動鐵圍籬圍死,資深女承客怕無法自由行動,「沒帶槍,沒人敢對妳怎樣!」請大家欣賞台灣人民火大創意影像。 讓我們繼續看下去 »»»»
費雯麗(Vivien Leigh)在台灣嗎?不,她是康妮!
When I got Denise letter at Dec. 25, she wrote” Our mother Connie passed away on November 20, 2012 in her bed, in her family home at the age of 92. … My Parents will live on in our hearts. Indira, Lee-Tai, Valerie, Denise and Alexander (Zandy).” This information all seems sad and dark to me. The Connie married with Val in 1944 , and I was born in 1944. I thought that they regard as my parents, and the Val behaviors are as my father .
In Taiwan greats event for Connie who established Tunghai University. She became a first English teacher on the air and teached the gay who need went U.S.A. Her job is a major to instruct them on the job training of English. The couple kept a first very rare full- color lithography record for Taiwan.
The most important things that Constance do is Found the Tunghai University: Mrs. V.S. de Beausset (Connie) was a member of Meeting of the Board of Directors of Tunghai University. Found the Tunghai University has 7 Committee, Connie in Buildings Committee, Equipment and Library Committee and Honorary Secretary. Vice President of US, Nixon went to Tunghai University to give a ground-breaking ceremony, was arrange by Mr. V.S. de Beausset. So, they play an important role in found the Tunghai University.
1951-1952, Connie is the vice president of Taipei International Women’s Club and the next two years are the president of Taipei International Women’s Club.
Mrs. De Beausset wrote Special column “Exploring Taiwan” in《China Post》, the article as : Guanyinshan、Typical Atayal village、From Grass Mountain hiking to Peitou、Saisiyat villages、Ghost villages( near Nan-au)、Jiaobanshan、Shihtoushan、the Bunun…
At the end of November, 2012 I went to the National Chengchi University in Mucha to give a presentation in Department of Aboriginal. My topics is : Mrs. Constance S. de Beausset and Taiwan Aboriginal Nation. The original materials are the 11 volume motion pictures that shot by Mr. V.S. de Beausset, the Consultant manager of the J. G. White Engineer Corporation. Those 11 volume motion pictures are the first color motion pictures that record Taiwan during 1954~1957. Now are the important motion pictures about post-war of Formosa.
I think Mr. & Mrs. V.S. de Beausset will live on in all the Taiwanese’s hearts.
Kindly accept my heartfelt condolence on the passing of your beloved husband. May our load bless her soul in eternal peace and happiness.
本blog原出版於20081007日1503, 於20121226日增加上述並改題名為:Cherish the memory of Mrs. Constance S. de Beausset ( 懷念與追思狄卜賽夫人)
1949/8/7《Detroit Free Press》D版有『島民出發到東方探險』,表示8日康妮與女兒Indira將飛經夏威夷、香港前往台灣與已在亞洲幾個月的狄卜賽團圓。
向這些台灣資深戰士致敬! 讓我們繼續看下去 »»»»
The International Symposium on “The Rise of China and the Asia-Pacific Regional Security”
時 間:2012年9月21日(星期五)9:00~17:00
地 點:台大醫院國際會議中心(台北市徐州路2號301室) 讓我們繼續看下去 »»»»
反媒體壟斷 近萬人上街抗議旺中,民眾怒吼:你好大 我不怕!
2010年應互助營造集團的邀請,參加《台灣營造業百年史》一書的資料收集工作。由於2006年由清華大學吳泉源教授熱情邀約,要我負責『2007科学季:科技台湾驚嘆号』一個panel「電力․水利」,電力就由版主做,「水利」部分拜託黃智偉兄幫忙,兩人合作愉快。這次是美援時期及以前的台灣營造業史,因此欣然同意,1945年以前部分一樣拜託黃智偉兄幫忙。2010年底,我們兩人合作愉快的結束資料收集工作,就等待此書的出版。但請網友們注意我們兩人皆非作者,文章內容由出版單位負責,不要責備版主。 讓我們繼續看下去 »»»»